part 24

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The next day Sharky and Kenny had finally left the house too but Aj's misery wasn't over just yet as Darkest decided that today was a great day to pop in for a little visit. (He said he was staying the night.) And so Aj had to endure another person fawning over him like a child.

Niko opened the door to Darkest at about 2 in the afternoon and let him inside.

"Yoo!" Darkest said, taking Niko's hand and pulling him into a hug.

"What's good man?" Niko asked, patting his friend on the back.

"Just living the married life, you know. Princess treatment and everything" Darkest put his hands behind his neck, acting relaxed.

"Ah, yeah, cold" Niko said.

"Now!" Darkest clapped his hands together. "Where's Aj?"

"In his room. He's gonna eat in bout half an hour."

"Aight. You spoken to him?" Darkest asked.

"About..?" Niko asked, wearily.

"Nothing specific, just asking."

"Uh, no, not very long conversations. Why..?" Niko thought that Darkest was being just as suspicious as Chunkz was.

Man, this weirdness really runs in their bloodline.

"No, no nothing, nothing." Darkest said in an annoyingly high pitch voice.


"I'm gonna go see Aj. You feel free to look around, don't be shy." Darkest said and walked off

"Huh..." Niko said in a whisper before shouting out "I live here!"

Darkest had gone up the stairs and knocked on Aj's door.

"Housekeeping!" Darkest called out.

Aj was heard giggling. "Get in here, fucking idiot"

Aj couldn't lie, he did enjoy having Darkest around every once and a while. But the issue was that Darkest knew about his eating disorder and was definitely about to give him shit for not going to him when he had the option to. Darkest walked in the room and closed the door. He folded his arms and stared at Aj, menacingly.

"Hi?" Aj said

"You fucking nonce." Was Darkest's only words


Darkest sighed and walked over to Aj. "Why couldn't you just talk to me about it? I told you I'd be there for you."

"I know. But everything just hurt so badly"

"What cause your boyfriend left? Suck it up. You can't ruin your life for him" Darkest sat down on the floor, back leaning against the bedside table.

"Kenny said the same thing" Aj pouted.

"Well at least Kenny has some brain in that tiny boxer head of his."

"It hurts, Darkest. So bad. You don't get it!"

"You know I'm not Hp's age. I know how life before marriage felt too" Darkest said.

Aj just scoffed. "What do I do, man?"

"You live. I mean it. Do that by telling Niko how you feel and get it over with, or stop letting his relationship with another girl ruin you. Whatever it is, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself"

Darkest was being just as blunt as Kenny and it just annoyed Aj. Why did everyone think that he was some insecure boy who was afraid to come out?

"Okay, if you aren't going to say anything that I haven't heard before you can leave." Aj said.

"Fine, I'm sorry. How's munch going? Anything feel better?" Darkest decided to change the topic.

"Well I don't feel like throwing up every bite I take." Aj said

Darkest nodded "Its a start."

The two sat in silence for a while. Aj being the first one to break it

"How long did it take for you to help Chunkz?"

Darkest looked up at Aj. "He told you that, did he?"

Aj nodded.

"You sure you wanna know?"

"I think I need to. Otherwise... well, I've got no hope that I can be fixed."

"This won't give you much hope either" Darkest warned.

"It'll be enough knowing that Chunkz got out of it too."

"16 years."

"I... what?" Aj must've heard wrong.

"It took me 16 years to help him out of his disorder."

"Wow... I should just like- wow, I'm gonna die this way aren't I?" 

"No, listen the circumstances were much different in our case. Trust me."

"Oh yeah? How?" Aj didn't believe him.

"We were kids man. I was 12 when he was 13 when I found out he was insecure about his weight. I didn't know what I was doing and on top of that it got worse. He found new ways to hurt himself like drinking sal-" Darkest stopped himself. He didn't want to be the cause of Aj getting ideas on how to abuse himself.

"Drinking salt water, I already know that's a thing." Aj told him

Darkest sighed. "Anyways... what I'm trying to get at is the fact that I was new to this. But I can help you because I know what I'm doing now." Darkest tried to convince him.

"It's still gonna take long."

"Yeah of course it is. But good things are worth waiting for. And on top of all that, you have Niko to help you. You've got all your friends." Darkest added. "The reason why it took so long with Amin is because he begged me not to tell anyone. I had to keep his secret, so it took me longer." Darkest explained.

Aj sat in thought. He then looked down at his friend on the floor "You really think I can be fixed?" He asked.

"You're not broken in the first place."

Aj smiled. He realised that his friends seriously did care about him and were just saying what they say to help him.


Niko was sat on the sofa downstairs, on the phone to the cousin of Darkest. Chunkz had called him to check in on Aj but their conversation had very much took a turn. It was random and Niko still wasn't sure what he knew, but it was very suspicious.

"So you're sure that men aren't your thing?" Chunkz asked

"Yes! What kind of question is that?" Niko didn't know why he wouldn't tell Chunkz. He knew that the man was supportive of Kenny and Sharky, so he wouldn't be any different. So then why couldn't he do it? He came out to George no problem. What was it with Chunkz that made him hard to come out to?

"Nah man I'm just asking you know? Because like, as your friend it's my duty to make sure you ain't like... yeah man." Chunkz was waffling and even he could see that.

"Okay are we done here?"

"Yep yep. Give my love to Aj. You should give yours too." WHAT?

Niko was so confused as to what the hell Chunkz was playing at.

"Uh... aight, love."

"Love." Chunkz said and hung up the call.

Niko sighed and threw his phone on the sofa beside him. Why did his whole life just insist on being a big mess? 

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