As the only intern in neuro today it's going to be a lot of pressure. That's what I've thought. Walking in the room of the CT I can't believe what I see. It's the man from the bar yesterday. I knew he's a doctor but I didn't know he's here.

"Hello my name is Dere-" he turned around and stopped as he saw me. "Hi meredith" He smiled with a wide open mouth and I wish myself to sink into the floor right now. It has to be a bad dream. "It's grey" I said. "So you're the one every attending is speaking of today?" He smirks. I just nod. "Yes, I'm the daughter of Ellis grey. So what do we have to do here ?" I just mentioned the upcoming scans. "Well what do you see ?" - "I would say its a little operable tumor in the frontal lobe. It hasn't got anything attached around so it should be easy." Derek nods. "From here what we see you're right. But when I have him open I might see other things." It's silent and I needed to break the tension. "Can I scrub in ?" Derek starts to laugh. "Excuse me ? You're here the first day. You can observe from the gallery and take notes."

I just felt angry at this moment and left the room for the first break. Down in the intern lounge we all meet to talk about our first day. "Mrs robot here thinks she knows everything" Karev shouted out. "At least I learned for it." All were laughing. "Our time was okay" Izzie mumbled whilst eating. "Meredith you're silent" all staring at me. "Well which story do you want to hear ? The story that the teacher was my one night stand last night or the one that he's actually awful and dipping me around a pet" It went silent.

After the break I went to the gallery to watch doctor shepherd performing the surgery.  He's not a good teacher as he was good in real life. I can't let him win this. 10h day shift went over easily. I waved goodbye at everyone, walking to my car when someone pad on my shoulder. "Are you up for a drink at Joe's?" The voice was familiar and when I turned around it was him. "I'm sorry but I'm on someone else's service tomorrow as I wished and that means I need to sleep." - "next time then" - "I'm pretty sure there won't be a next time" - "you seemed to enjoy it last night." He smiled at me with his dreamy eyes. I tried to hesitate it but it overcome me.

So I allowed him to have dinner with me at my home.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now