* Just a little header here now since I haven't been writing a long time *

Addison and Meredith got to know that they are awaiting their first child. Meredith fulfilled Addisons wish, using marks sperms. Since they got to know it's been some months now.

*Merediths view* (could content TW)

I woke up in the morning, per usual with heavy nausea. The timeline of the pregnancy hits 25 weeks today and addie will do a big checkup later. I rushed to the toilet and threw up. I barely could hold in anything lately.  Addison held my hair back and rubs my back.

"Meredith, it's been enough now. I get you assigned today, I only can treat you properly in the hospital" - she sounds worried and I let out a sigh, wiping my mouth. "Fine, I'll go" I stood up and packed a bag. Addison walked behind me and hugged me. "I just want to make sure you and peanut are fine" I let go of the Hug being a little moody. "I know Addison" I said and walked downstairs into the car so she can drive us over.

The ride was awkwardly silent and things between me and addison lately got a little more complicated. She's so overprotective and I can't really deal with that because she never ever had been that clingy. That's not Addie at all. She got me assigned and we've met up in a exam room after since it's the big scan today.

"Well let's see how peanut is doing" She said calm. She acted professionally like she always does at work but somehow it annoyed me today so I stayed silent watching her scan our baby. Well her baby I practically just surrogate. At least that's what it feels like lately.  "Mer say something" - "what do you want me to say  hm" - "what's wrong with you lately?" - "nothing" - "meredith Elizabeth montgomery- Grey!" - "Addison Adrianne Montgomery- Grey!" I scoffed back fast. "Well peanut seems to be fine" - "then I'm glad" - I wiped my stomach and stood up. "It's going to be a boy" - she smiles. Yup that was it for me in the now. "I'll see you later addie. I know you're busy"

I walked out rushing to my room sitting on the bed pretty emotionless. Addie followed me behind worrying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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