Addison closed up the Mother and I tucked the baby in the warmest blanket I had in my car. I felt a pad on my shoulder "we'll take care of them now, don't worry" - they took the both into the ambulance and drove away. "Mer, you've done amazing" - "god I did nothing. You preformed a surgery open field"  - "we were a team" - "we always are." - "want to head home ?" - "oh definitely"

We walked to the hotel, packed our bags and used the next train that was coming. In the seats I cuddled up to addie. She stroked my hair whilst watching outside the window. Something is going on and I can't really figure out what. "Addie ?" - "hmm ?" - "what's wrong?" - "why are you aking?" - "you're much in thoughts today and you wanted to go home really fast. I mean we have a week off to concentrate on ourselves" - "I know mer I'm sorry. But the time in lA ran me down so much. I'm exhausted and on top the words of the fertility clinic. It's just not my day today" - I look deep into her eyes. "If you're not ready for anything of this. It's OK. I'll give you space and time" - "mer it's not because of you" - "you only had to be in LA because of me" - "no. Also because I had some appointments." - "addison, what's wrong?" - "if I tell it'll screw up things and I don't want that." - "nothing can take me away from you. I want you no matter what. " - "well, I was pregnant with Mark sloans child before heading to Seattle. I aborted it. And yesterday I found out that this would've been my last chance to get a kid. And all I ever wanted is to settle in a relationship with someone I really love and having a kid." - I looked at her with tears in the eyes.
"Oh addie. I'm sorry that I'm Something else than you wanted" - "no mer. Look at me" - she stroked my cheeks and looked deep into my eyes. "You're the reason I'm coming back. The reason I accepted a full time job at Seattle. You're worth to me and I don't want anything or anyone else around me than you. You flashed me from the beginning to now. You've fought so hard for us to be together." - "addie, I just love you. I don't want to be with someone else" - I whined. "I will be and stay with you mer. We'll work it out and sometime later we can go on the kids thing again." - I sob. She's taking in so much for me.

We laid down on the chairs because we're going over night. Addie hugged up tight, so we won't roll on the ground. It didn't take long till both of us fell asleep before waking up because the tone says "Seattle main station" we're back home. Back where it started, back where we would be able to fix the issue. We walked home hand in hand and straight laid back to bed. We said we'll start working in the morning

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now