At home the only thing I could think about was Derek's ex wife. Not in any kind of attached way, more in the "I'll look up to her, she's a great teacher way". But also it's coming around my mind what happened earlier in the on call room and when Derek hurt her in front of my eyes and I couldn't do a thing because I didn't see much. The doorbell rang. It's him.

"I'm sorry but I won't open today. I'm out and about to sleep?" - "but wouldn't you feel more secure to sleep in strong arms ?" - "Doesn't sound like you, perk" I joked. "Nah but really, I don't want anyone around, I also cancelled all plans with finn. I just don't want to see anyone for the next 2 days I have off. Also there will be a group of people I need to show around. I'll have some people living here with me." - "fine I'll let it be. But don't whine when you need me" - " I won't promise. " I shut the door and locked it.

Waves rushed down my back. He was here. What would've happened if I would've let him in ? Would he hurt me in the way he did addison? All I know is that I don't want to spend any kind of time with him. I texted Richard to see if we could meet us at my mother's daycare. That would be the only place where we could discuss things in private.

"Oh mer. But you are really sure what you've seen ?" - "yes but addison won't talk to me" - "she's a tough one.  She never will talk about things that make her look little and down. She's strong." - "You could say so. We had a kind of moment where she trusted me and I told her she shouldn't worry about me and Derek being together. Even if he has eyes for me, I'm totally over him." - "hmm that's good" - "do you think those both will work out together again ?" - "nah, there was too much broken in the past to fix it in the now."  I just sat there silent. Addison was like a hardcovered book. Once you get to open it, it can rush both of you through it. Pain or happiness. "But Richard?" - "mhm" - "she definitely is a good teacher. Could I be on her service some more ? Maybe I can crack the nut inside" - "she's not the type of needing girl friends. But if you want to try, I'm pretty sure she's going to be at the bar in the hotel ***" - "do you think me walking over will be okay ?" - "mhm. If you tell her I sent you to catch up some work, it'll definitely. But try to hide, bc if Derek's around, what I don't think, we don't know what he's up to right now. I just won't lose you like I did already your mom." - "she isn't even dead" - we both laughed. "Okay, ill change into something more glamorous bc that hotel is too expensive to not look good."

I waved Richard goodbye to change into something comfortable but also chick to visit addison with some charts of critical patients.
I parked my car in a lot and walked inside, asking for the bar. I looked around and finally found addison.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now