The next weeks went by fast. Today we'll have our first 48h shift. Derek and I are in a kind of relationship and it's working out somehow.

"It's time to assign you to your faculties" Bailey said. "Today we'll get joined by 3 new attendings for you to see more" All sat there silent. "Grey you're going to gyn today, Karev, you have peds, yang, you have cardio, George you're with me, and Stevens is with neuro today." Everyone nodding. "Go"

I walked down to the lobby to find Derek to talk to him. A red haired lady joined us. She seemed friendly but Derek's view went from happy to annoyed. "Hi addison" - "hi Derek" - "who are you?" I friendly asked without noticing anything. "I'm Addison Shepherd" - "Shepherd?" I asked worried. "You seem to be the woman that's screwing my husband behind my back" my heart shredded down in pieces. "Can I join the 2 of you or aren't you into threesomes?" Addison asked perky. "I'm sorry, I didn't know" - I answered fast. "I got to go"

I went upstairs to check on some patients and do some charts before I got to know the new gyn attending. Whilst doing the charts I heard some people talking. "Meredith, this is Addison, she's going be the teacher you're with the next 48h. She's a good one, dont screw it." I nod whilst being covered in charts. "So, would you look at me?" - the voice was calm and lowered. I looked up and couldn't see who's standing there. "Ahh okay now you're stalking me here. I get it. Obsessed with someone who's in a marriage. " - "excuse me ?" - "you are Obsessed with him" - "we're not in a relationship, I date a vet." - "I see" She looked at me and if I wouldn't know better I can swear she undressed me in her mind. "Okay grey, let's go, I'll show you how it works and if you're doing good, you'll perform the first surgery with me later." I nod and we start working

Surprisingly the first half of the shift went over easily and she was a really good teacher. I walked down to the on call room to catch some sleep before heading in on my surgery with her later.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now