"Hey" - "hey, I'm sorry" - "it's not your fault" - "Richard already told me" - "you need to believe him" - "I need to tell you something else" - "I know what comes next, you tell me you need to go earlier. I understand you completely. Get that fresh air. I'll be there whenever you need me." I smiled to hide the pain. "Mer, it's more. The last night with you was the most magical I ever had. My heart told me I want more. But it can't be now. I need to figure out myself what exactly I want and you have to promise me to wait." - "okay, I'll wait. But don't take too long. But when you need to go?" - "I'll drive over later" - "so you do have some time ?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh sure I have"

She smiled and sat down next to me in bed where I laid down my head on her shoulder.   I still was weak from the headaches but as long addison was around me I felt better. I laid my hand over hers and we closed them tight. We looked deep into each others eyes and I can tell she's worried but also the flame comes up again. Late afternoon sunlight shines on her red beautiful hair and  shimmers in her eyes. I feel settled again. I only could have this forever.

"So mer, I need to go" - "can't you stay the night ?" I looked at her with puppy eyes. "I wish I could but my shift starts at 5 tomorrow" - "okay" My eyes started to tear up. "Don't cry mer. I'll be back as soon as I have the program on my side to have the money to teach you better" She wiped away my tears but I couldn't hold it together. It's like she's going forever, my heart shreds in pieces. "Wait, let me say goodbye better" She kisses me soft and I let out a smile. She kisses me more and more intense. "Go before the memory gets worse again." - "it's hard on me too mer" - I laugh. "Go addie, I'm fine. I have the best doctors around caring for me." - "okay" She kissed me on my forehead and I waved her goodbye.

I decided to take some sleep since the headache got worse again.
The next days went by fast and boring, since I was stuck at the icu and then at neuro. I haven't heard from addison all week but I knew she was busy and so I let it be.

"Are you ready for work?" - "oh so damn much" - "haven't heard from her ?" - "nope" - "would you like to work further on gyn?"- "can I even without an attending?" - " normally not but for you Arizona made a course so she can cover up for 2 weeks" - "what's with peds then?" - "we have 2 more doctors there. Peds will be fine." - "okay I'll change." - "you're clothes are up at addisons dressing room" - "why so?" - "you have her space until she's back here, I think it's for the best" - "thank you Richard" I hugged him before leaving upstairs to gyn.

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