The next day was just correct. Addison went off earlier so I got us breakfast. When I walked into the doors Cristina already stopped me.

"Hey mer, shouldn't you be enjoying your holiday at the beach ?" - "I know but both of us miss work and something had happen in LA before I went over. Something addison can't talk about at the moment, so I decided maybe it's for the better us getting in our usual situations" - "sounds fair but you definitely should take some days off, you've worked so hard the last weeks." - "I really feel better here." - "also iz is gone, George went to the army, karev might need your ear." - "iz left ?" - "yes. I don't know why but she left out of sudden, also we got a new cardio head, new neuro head and new trauma surgeon" - "pretty much change for a week" - "you can say so." - "but will you now follow burke ?" - "I don't know, he's got his own hospital." - "whatever you decide for, I'll support you" - "thanks mer"

I waved her goodbye and walked upstairs to addisons office. *knocks* "come in mer" - so I walked in. "Good morning my busy working love" - I kissed her cheek. "Good morning." - "so what's on plan today?" - "just 2 c's, 2 discharges and 3 post partum patients to care of." - "okay that doesn't seem too much. I've brought us breakfast" - "thank you, I'm hungry." - so we sat down and ate. "Addie?" - "hmm?" - "talk. You know I won't stop asking until you talk" - "well, what do you want to know ? All my friends back from new york are getting divorced. Sloan is dead, Callie breeding out a baby that could've been mine if I didn't aborted it." I just sat silent watching her. "Mer you need to say something " - "it won't end good." - "it's just brain nonsense, it'll go away in some days." - "but you need to talk to me if this should work." - "I try. Derek always undermined my feelings, it's hard to talk." - I hugged Her. "You're safe, up high, nothing can touch you- or ill hurt them" - addison chuckled. Somebody knocked on the door. "What are the both of you doing here ?" - "preparing our relationship in our real situations. We're doctors with heart Richard, you should understand best what we're doing here. Also if we're not here, you practically lose money and staff so you need us anyway " - "you have a point mer" - "also addie" - "hmm?" - "I have a plan in mind, you just need to say yes now " -

I knee down on the ground, starting to talk about beautiful things and asked the final words "I know it's early, but addison Montgomery, do you want to marry me ?" - "mer I, I don't know what to say" - "it's a yes or no question addison" - Richard mumbled "so?" - I raised an eyebrow. "Yes meredith, of course I will!" -

We hugged each other tight and took off the rest of the day celebrating with some friends  down at my house

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