We sat down at a bench close by the river. It was cold and snowing. We sat silent a long long time until I needed to break it.

"I'm glad you're back. I missed my best friend" - "meredith" - "what's up?" - "I might to have work down in lA for a month." - "what do you want to say with that?" - "that we won't have much contact" - "are you avoiding me ?" - "it's not that" - I sat there looking in her eyes. They feel broken. My eyes start to tear up. "Meredith, I don't want to hurt you" - "well I agreed to be friends with you for the better, I can't work without you atm. The whole hospital is so messed up and I can't even work in gyn then because they'll close the floor then. There's much more going on with you leaving then the thing that is between you and me. I thought you're able to act professionally. At least it's that what I know from you but maybe I am wrong. Maybe I trust too easily and early" I almost screamed in a whining voice because I tear up more and cry.

"Mer don't" She sits close by and hugs me tight. I enjoyed it and the hugs easily calmed me down. "I promise I don't do it to be away from you. The week was also hard for me" - "but why?" - "look I want to open new doors for you as my probably fellow. And I need to do some project things to get a cooperation hospital for that" - I nodded silent. "Also, yes I need to be away from you a little. It's getting dangerous for me" I raise my eyebrow. Addison starts to laugh. Gosh I forgot how much I love to see her laugh. We went silent as the sky is getting darker already and we still haven't let each other go from the hug. We stare into each others eyes.

"Addie ?" - "Hmm?" - "Are you up for a sleepover? They might miss me" We started to laugh. "Yes mer, I'll be your guest." - "you can have my bed and ill sleep at the sofa"

So we headed home to enjoy the dinner with all others. It went late night. I made the bed ready for addison and gave her something to sleep in although she's a bit taller.

"Good night addison" I said and hand her a smile over. "Mer ?" - "yes ?" She smiled and pad on the bed. "Are you sure ?" - "I am" - "but I'll turn around when you change" - "I really don't mind as long you don't lecture me in your mind" - "oh we both know that might happen" We laughed and I turned around. "Mer that's dumb, even for you" - "what do you mean ?" I wanted to mock her a little and saw her standing in underwear. My cheeks started to red up and I had to hide in the bathroom.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now