"Meredith I need you over here" Derek screams "Coming" there's laying a woman, unconscious, but late staged pregnancy. "I'll page addison and Robbins , get her ready for surgery, the baby needs to get out ASAP!"

Said and done addison rushed into surgery with me, Derek and Robbins. "Mer would you close her?" - "totally. See you upstairs later" - "would you mind if I show her how to solve a brain bleed ?" - "she's already here Derek, do whatever, get her upstairs after" He nodded when she left the room. I feel awkward. What is he about to do ?

"So you too are that close?" - "what?" - "she calls you nicknames. There has to be more" - "we're friends." - "oh addison doesn't do girl-friends" - "well she agreed to this" - "well then I am free to get another chance huh?" - "doubt that" - "we'll see that" - "the bleeding is getting worse"

So we tried to stop it but we lost her. I scrub out to let addison know. Whilst walking upstairs Derek stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going?" - "upstairs" - "I doubt that". - "Derek let me go." I remember here being security cameras since the shooting last. I tried to fight him off, hoping the camera would catch anything, but I wasn't able to. He dragged me to the wall, I hit my head. He started to kiss me, I let my mouth closed. All I can remember he hurting me

"Derek shepherd what are you think you're doing here ?" A man's voice came up when I lost consciousness.


"Derek, don't try to leave, every floor is secured, you'll be gotten anyway" - "did I really forget about the camera's?" - "tell that to the officer" The officer put his hands behind his back and put on cuffs. "You won't say anything until court. All what you say is going to be against your own words" - "Richard, you gonna miss me" - "you tried to ** meredith, you're going far away for very long time" Richard hands the footage to the police and called code blue. "Get me Burke, Altman, Bailey and Montgomery!" Richard screams whilst starting compressions. All rushed by. "Richard what happened?" Bailey asks "Derek tried to have her but I catched it before anything could've happen" - "Addison,  addison?" - Addison didn't say a thing, she was shocked about what just happens. "Okay, we need to go, get her a head ct and check for any wounds" They rushed to the ct and brought me to the icu after. "Bailey, tell me what's going on" - "No injuries, just little wounds, she hit her head which can take her off some time. We're checking her vitals every hour." - "oh god, I just brought her into that situation" addison drops down to the floor. Richard waved Bailey away, "I have it" and walks to addison. "Addison, that's not your fault." - "If I wouldn't have come back everything would've been fine. She would be fine." - "addison, last time, it's not your fault. I reported everything he had done with you lately as well. We won't see him again after the court." Addison just sighs. "You feel more huh?" - "I do, but I can't let her know it. If I would and then go I would break her. I don't know if LA is going to be a forever thing Richard." - "You need to tell her, thats the only way she can cope it." - "hmm" - the room bell rang. "Go in, she needs you"

*back to meredith*
I woke up and immer rang the bell, addison walks in and sits next to me.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now