Addison stayed because she needs to work. But before I could head out of the hospital she paged me back to her office.

"What's up Addison?" - "I can't let you go without saying goodbye" She came closer, the gap between us closed when she started to hug me. My heart races. Did I really fall in love with a girl ? That bad and deep ? And on top she's my teacher and my the ex wife of my ex boyfriend. But whatsoever. Like I said moments don't last long.

"Goodbye addison, I'll see you tomorrow morning" I said turned around to walk down to meet with my friends at Joe's bar. Certainly there whilst dancing I feel a bad cramping on the right side which gets worse and worse. I lose sight and might fall down.

The next thing I remember is waking up in a hospital bed, Cristina examining me. I feel light on the pain meds. "Here's someone waiting for visiting you mer" - "let them in"
Derek came in with worrying eyes. "You're not the one I thought would visit me." - "I know you awaiting me" Finn also came in. I roll my eyes annoyed, threw Cristina over a view. "Sorry guys, she definitely doesn't want to see the both of you, also doctor Montgomery is going to check her now."

Cristina made them leave and Addison came in worried to check on my wounds. "Why didn't you said anything to me? It was an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured your ovary" - "what?" - "oh you didn't know" - "I had my periods" - "hmm" - "it's good anyways. I couldn't birth a baby made from the hell" - "I'll check on you later" Addisons eyes claim that she's hurt inside. I couldn't hurt her.

"Addison" - "what is it ?" - "how did you know Derek was the one ?" - "excuse me?" - "right, he wasn't the one" - "I thought only he would be the one that's not hurting me. You think about him hm?" - "not at all" - "I just say, when u know you know" - "then I know" - I smiled like a fool with the painmeds on. "Oh meredith" - "it's not him or finn I swear. It's someone really beautiful, I know I can trust them unconditionally, I know they don't think the same but it it what it is." Addisons cheeks started to red up. "If you have time, I would like to have you around addison." - "ill catch on later, I have a c- to do" - "sad that I can't scrub in" - "the other interns are fools meredith, I wish u could do hahah"

Without more words she left the room. Richard saw me watching her go as he walked in. "There's more mer." - "am I that visible?" - "maybe not to her, or the others, but you've basically been somewhere my daughter, I know you even if you don't think so" - "ohh Richard I'm such a fool. But my heart burns since I met her first. I'm sorry for screwing up all your attendings. I'm a bad intern." - "your grades say otherwise mer. Congrats, you're being a resident next year." I just smiled. "Also you can't choose where your heart holds on. And Addison will be a way lot better than Derek." - "Do you think she has things for women?" - "I don't know but all I can say she cares for you."

Richard walks off and I tried to catch some sleep since I'm down from the surgery.

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