I tapped on her shoulder. "Doctor Shepherd" She turns around. She looks so messed up. "Oh grey, do you even stalk me here ?" - "No that's not it. Richard has send me over with some charts so they can work it out tomorrow, when we're off." Addison just nods. "Hey Jeff, will you get her a drink ?" - "Are you drunken ?" - "what does it look like for you?" - "Shouldn't we better get you upstairs?" - "ou come on grey, let's have some fun. We're off either way tomorrow." I nodded. The night went long and Addison just drank more and more. I hold her, bringing her upstairs to her room. We sat on the couch and she started to open up.

"Do you know what Grey ?" - "hmm?" - "Derek definitely has a good taste." - "I told you we have not a thing." - "that's not what I mean" - I just stare at her talking. "First he had me. Then he had you. We're both incredibly beautiful and strong women."

Her words murmured in my heart. I liked to watch her talk, how her little soft smiles formed around her mouth. But she's drunk and I'm pretty sure she'll not know anything about this tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll be her pet again. I tried to enjoy the here and now, the talks with her. Talking like good friends. Like we we always knew each other.

Around 2 Am she was falling slightly asleep. "Okay addison, I'm going home now. I'll have to choose 3 people tomorrow that are going to live with me. I'll leave my number for any questions that come up in the morning when you're remember things. Thank you for the evening, it was beautiful." - "thank you grey. But one thing" - "hmm?" - "can I hug you?"

I didn't think a thing about saying no to her. Seeing her happy after earlier in the hospital, was a great view. She hugged me tight, 2 minutes long. I don't know what to think but I really enjoyed it. It has something warming to be around her. "Goodbye addison" I said and left to sleep a little more at home.

The next morning flew by and I was about to clean the house before the 5 people come along, where I have to choose 3 from. I got ready in the minute the doorbell rang.

"Hey everyone, come in. 2 rooms are empty downstairs and one upstairs. I'll await you here once you've chosen the room. Try to impress me.

So the people walked along choosing their rooms and reasons why I should choose them.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now