The next day we spent at the beach. We walked and talked a lot, but also just chilled on the blanket, cuddling. We drank a cocktail had some lunch and went back on cuddling. I love this. Addison felt asleep twice and I watched her sleep. This is who I want to spent my life with. Not to know we'll have a hard time next week when we have to use our words in front of the court against Derek, but the video cameras probably will say a lot already. Addies phone started to ring but she was still sleeping so I got it.

"Hello ?" - "is there doctor Montgomery?"  - "no it's grey" - "could u tell her she should call me back as soon as she can ?" - "what's it about ?" - "we're a fertility clinic. More I cannot say"

They hung up and I started wondering what she has to do with them. I lightly tried to wake her up. "Addie a fertility clinic called. They want you to call back as soon as you can" - "it's probably naomi, a friend of mine, she offered to do a fertility checkup on me"  - "why would u need this?" - "maybe,if we want to grow a family once" - that made my heart melt. She already is so settled with me that she thinks about future. I looked at her. "Mer what are you looking at that foolish ?" - "just you being cute" - "well what feels right can't be wrong huh ?" - "when you know you know" - I smiled at her, playing with her hair. "Do you know what mer ?" - "hmm ?" - " we maybe should go back to Seattle tomorrow. We could start this in our normal ways of being. I'm not that vacation type." - "you're right but it's still magical and wouldn't Richard get mad if we cancel this here ?" - "well I have the program on my side so I can teach you more than I usually would in your first attending year" - "well it won't be the same at all." - "what's wrong?" - "4 of us didn't made it. Cristina will go to Minnesota. Karev doesn't know if he's staying or going, iz got cancer and will go as well." - addie just looks with sad eyes at me. "It's okay tho, as long as you're staying with me." - "I don't plan to go anywhere" she hugged me tight and we walked back to the hotel.

On the way we heard a woman scream. "Somebody help, my phone died and I can't call an ambulance " we run to see she's pregnant. "Hey what's your name?" - "keisha" - "okay keisha, listen to me. I'm doctor grey and this is doctor Montgomery. We're both doctors and she's going to examine you. Have you felt anything lately?" - "my contractions being 3 minutes apart" - "whatever your body tells you now, doctor Montgomery looks for the status of you and the baby, I don't want you push now. Understand?" - she nods. "Grey?" - "hmm?" - she's crowning but the baby got the cord around his neck" - "what does that mean?" - "do not push under any circumstances!" - "your baby needs to get delivered by c section as fast as I can." - "here ?" - Addison screams if anyone has things she need has around. Some voluntary called an ambulance and some others gathered all things together. Thankfully a midwife had some medications to numb her with her around.

"Okay keisha, they will hold the blanket up now and doctor grey and I will do everything to get your baby out alive" - said and done she opened her up. I hold the baby and try to get it screaming. "I need to suction fluid. Has somebody got a flexible straw or anything?" - they reached it to me whilst addison closes up keisha. I rubbed the little boy and suction out fluid. 5 minutes later I finally heard the cry. My heart stopped and I sank to the ground with him.

"Thanks God for saving him" - I let out in relieve.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now