"Oh mer it was sooo wonderful" I drift down into the bed next to her. For a moment I forgot she's going to be away a whole month.
We cuddled up, talked a bit and fell asleep after. The night was rough, addison had nightmares, which I thankfully managed to stop. She's still suffering from all what's been going on lately with Derek.

The next morning izzie knocked on the door and came in to check on me. "Hey mer" - "pss" - "oh I'm sorry" - "don't tell anyone okay?" - "we have to be in the hospital in about 15 mins. You're on her service today ?" - "yeah I think so if Richard managed to update the board" - "can I drive with you 2?" - "we'll drive equally. Nobody has to know. We're not that far" - izzie nods. "I'll be down in 5"

I got back into my room and woke up Addison. "Hey girl, our shift starts in 20 minutes. I need to go now. I'll have the coffee ready and charts done by the time you enter the floor" - "okay, I'll see you over, I need to fix the mess in my hair" We kissed each other goodbye and I hopped into comfy clothes because I need to change anyways in the hospital.

I drove izzie over and we get assigned.
"Grey you've been surprisingly often on Montgomerys service lately" - "just being friends like everyone here." - "hm I see, go!"
I walked to the cafeteria, brought some breakfast and coffee and laid it down at addisons desk. I sit on doing charts, check on the patients early vitals, everything looks good so far. We have just 3 patients on station and all are postpartum, going home soon. It feels weird to know, that this is my last week gyn for a month. Addison walked in, looking good and fresh. "Morning Grey" - "Morning doctor Montgomery" I smiled at her and she waved me over to her office.

"Thank you for the breakfast" - "it's no problem" - "how are the patients?" - "stable and good to go today." - "good, check on them later and I'll write them letters for their gyn after and sign everything" - "will do" - we shortly looking at each other. She doesn't have the fire in her eyes anymore that she had, it confuses me. "Addison?" - "mhm?" - I closed the door. "You don't have to hide" - "if Derek gets to know" - "he won't I can keep easy undercover. " - "but still" - "come on how can you turn away so easy the last night ?" - "I can't and that's the problem, how should I be professional when all I think about is how much I want you?" - I raise an eyebrow "so how do we do it?" - "what?" - "you'll be away a month" - "right. Maybe we'll forget things." - "are you sure ?" - "I don't know" - My tears start tearing up. "That's your act of being professional?" - "we're in a secret room doing a consult. Gosh who will interrupt us ?" - "you're true" - "we'll I'll see what's going on in the pit, since there were many traumas coming in" - "you page me when there's emergency?" - "sure" - "mer" - "see you later doctor Montgomery"

I walked past the door and walked down to the ER see where I can help.

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