"So people I decided. Since Cristina is going to end up at Burkes anyways and I don't want to live with Derek's Mistress, Izzie, George and Alex, feel welcomed home"

I talked with them about rent and said they can move in the weekend because I have to sort out some stuff before they can live here properly. A house full of doctors will be quite good. I decided to order pizza and watch a movie. My phone started to ring and I didn't know the number.

"It's grey" - "Hey grey, will you come over do the charts Richard needs ?" - "do you want to talk about yesterday? To me everything is just fine." - "grey, just come over" - "are you fine with Ham and Broccoli Pizza?" - "what ?" - "I ordered pizza and can't eat it now" - "whatever" - "ill be over in 10"

We hung up, I changed to something acceptable. The pizza got delivered and I drove by fast.

"Addison it's meredith" She opens the door. Her pure beauty with comfy clothes and no makeup on make me watch her in awe.
"We're now at first names ?" She chuckled. Her little wrinkles next to her mouth make her look so cute. What did I just think ? I sat down at her sofa, packing out the charts. "Don't you want to eat first ?" Addison asked with a raised eyebrow. "Sure. So what's up?" - "You don't have to worry, I remember really everything." - "okay good" - "well you know I usually don't have girl - friends in my corner but you could be the first" - "you think?" I laughed foolish. "Oh mer you don't have to if you don't want" - "noo it's not that, I've already asked Richard to be on your service the next week. I didn't think to open you so easily" - "well you were there at my worst points the last days. You're a good one" I smiled. We ate the pizza and walked over the charts.

"Do you want to bring them over with me ? We could go somewhere else to talk a bit after" She said. Okay what do I think now? She messed up my mind so easily right now. But there ain't a way she thinks the same. So screw dumb thoughts. I answered with a fast "sure" before we walked down to my car and driving to the hospital.

"Oh you two make a good teacher-student picture" Richard said "you think?" Addison joked. "Here are your charts" - "would you both mind to be the face of our this month's cover for the hospital Magazine?" - "totally not" - "then go change, we need to have you in a exact work position"

So we run down to change and met at the gyn floor. We had such fun taking the pictures. All was light. But I can't stop thinking about wanting more. More than friendship. But I let it be and enjoy the moments. Because moments usually don't last long.

The Road to Love (Meradd fanfiction) 💗Where stories live. Discover now