Chapter 34

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A/N: Kk, so I've never been pregnant so i've never experienced the joys and consequences of pregnancy so bear with me as I'm trying my best. This is my story so im using my imagination to write/type these next few chapters, so please dont comment that its not what its like since as I've stated, u havent been pregnant before.

Also, I could fit in about 6 or 7 more chapters until this book is officially over...:( but there will be a sequel, I promise you. The plot doesn't end now :)

Anywayz, enjoy the chappie xx


"Welcome welcome welcome, to the eighty-first annual Hunger Games Reaping," Effie Trinket says. Oh, the same old Effie. Now that i think of it, she kinda looks ageless...with her make up an' all.

"-Mellark!" What the hell? Damn! That's my daughter, my own daughter getting reaped. This can't be true, she can't be tribute for the Games. Anyone but her! Of course my other children can't end up in the Arena either, its too cheesy, but her? She's the weakest one of them, not to mention smallest! I knew this would happen!

"No! I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" No, no! Now my other daughter wants to take her place. Why? I understand why she's doing it but still? Why does it have to be those I love the most? I lost my father. I lost Rue - my ally. I lost Thresh before thanking him for killing Clove. I lost Prim, all thanks to Gale. Those people were there for me, but it was too late to thank them.

"Katniss," I heard a soft voice.

"No!" I replied. "Don't let them do this!"

"Don't let them do what?" he asked. "You're dreaming,"

*end of dream*

"Woah woah woah! Please don't let that happen," I begged, my voice very raspy.

"Let what happen?" Peeta question with a raised brow.

"Oh, just a dream," I sighed.

"More like a nightmare! Or daymare..."

"What do you mean? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You were thrashing and crying 'no! no!' It's obvious that you had a ni-daymare,"

"Oh," I blushed, "well I think I might go out,"


"Dunno. I just wanna get some fresh air," I winced when. I sat up, "And get used to carrying our three little ones,"


"I'll be back by dinner, 'kay bye,"

"Bye," he called before I shut the door. I decided to hike around for a bit because I'm bored, I want fresh air and I feel stressed out so I wanna relax a bit.


I've been hiking for just over an hour now, and I feel heavy. My stomach feels like its draggig me down. I really need to get out of town soon, maybe I should visit Haymitch or Annie...

Just as I was approaching an ice cream shop, I see someone who I haven't seen in a while, and I wasn't intending to see them either.

"Hey Catnip,"

It's Gale.


A/N: oooohh cliff hanger! u probably hate me for giving you so many but I cant help it...its fun!

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