Chapter 6

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A/N: I decided to treat u guys with another update this week. Continue commenting, voting and fanning! 

WARNING: This chapter contains mild language! 


As I was about to answer Peeta's question, Gale trods out and mumbles, "Slut. Fuck you, bitch. Wonder why you'd marry a crap piece of shit."

Luckily, Peeta didn't hear. But I think he's upset. He loves me so much that he doesn't want me to marry Peeta, so he doesn't want to know the answer.

I jump up and yell, "Yes! Yeah, of course!! I love you." He stands up, lifts me up and spins me around. Then Peeta gives me a soft kiss on my cheek. Peeta and I blush since Haymitch saw it happening. But he smiles. I guess he's the true friend. He wanted me to marry him and always knew it'll happen sometime. Which could also be why Peeta asked him to have a private conversation the day I saw Gale for the first time after Prim's death.

Haymitch exclaims, "Congratulations, Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen, soon to be Katniss Mellark."

"Katniss Mellark...that's nice! I love it." I say, smiling at Peeta. He blushes even more.

"Me too!" he says, leaning in to kiss me, when Gale comes in. What a surprise! 

"I forgot this." he says, murmuring 'asshole' under his breath. 

"What's up with Gale?!" asks Peeta, shrugging his shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe he is jealous." I reply. I am so happy he chose a moment like this to propose to me. I don't like public proposals; where people stare at you as you answer yes or no. It's as if they're forcing you to agree to marry! To make a commitment. I just don't like that, the pressure makes it worse.

"So, Peeta. When should our marrriage be?" I ask softly. 

He answers, "I don't know. Whenever you want, really." He always pleases me! When was the last time I pleased him?! If we are going to get married, I need to know his opinion.

"That doesn't answer my question!!" I say with angry tone. I glance at him. Then I giggle, a bit. 

"OK, OK! How about, next week?" he suggests, also laughing.

"Well, looks like someone is rich and has been planning ahead!" I smirk. 

"Thanks!" he says quickly.

"Themed or non themed?!" I ask. 

"Err," he looks puzzled. 

I yell, "Come ON! I never hear your opinion! Now it's my turn to please you." 

"What if..." he starts. 

"No if's." 

He begins, "B-but I-" 

"No but's!!" I shout. He stills tries to speak, but I lean in and kiss his lips. Somewhere I haven't been for a while. This is the longest kiss I've ever had with him. That should stop him from saying his excuses.

"Now tell me, what theme?" I ask, once again.

"I don't think themes are necessary. I think it'll be perfect enough as it is." he finally replies, "Although, I would like more flowers, because of your name, and also in memory of-"

"Don't say it." I yell with a slightly angry tone.

"Say what?!" he asks. He got startled.

"You know!" I yell even more. 

Peeta says, "Oooh! OK." He knows I'm talking about...let's just say, Little Duck for now. It's less painful, even though it is upsetting. I still feel slightly upset she is dead. She could've been the bridesmaid!

By this time, Haymitch has left already. He must have wanted to give us some room or privacy. Although, I have a feeling he's still here.

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