Chapter 36

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"Sh, you'll see." Gale pulled me in closer. I knew what he was trying to do so I attempted to distract him.

"Wait...stop!" I said.


"You smell bad. Plus you're not the one. Peeta is the one. I only give him permission to. Not you. And I'm not killing the Mellark triplets for Hawthorne kids!"

"Well too bad. It's not just about your opinion, it's about mine too," he smirked.

"You're such a goddamn idiot, you know that?" I exclaimed, "I mean, who in the right mind does these kinda things?"

"No need to call me names, Catnip." he whispered seductively. Whatever he was planning, is not working. I'm not letting him ruin my future children, not after what I've been through.

"You deserve it. And you also deserve this!" I nudged my knee upwards, managing to kick him in the balls, hard. He rolled off me, groaning whilst holding it in pain. "Don't you dare mess with me or my family, or I won't even give you a chance to have kids of your own." I kicked the exact same spot again the trodded on his hands and feet, leaving him with blood on his fingers, unable to walk without limping. Yes, leaving someone in discomfort is rude but when it's Gale nothing is ever rude!

"Katniss, Katniss!" I heard a distant voice calling my name. A voice I'd recognise anywhere.

"Peeta?" I called. "Is that you?" I looked around but couldn't find anyone young. I must have walked a while since it looks deserted.

"Psst! Katniss, over here!" I felt someone grab my arm and drag me towards the exit.


"Haymitch?" I asked.

"Nah, ya don't say." he replied. "But there's no time for questioning. Come with me," I had no choice but to be pulled along the hallway.

"Where are we and why do you look so stressed?" I asked, even though he told me not to.

"And you say I look stressed? You'll see where we are once we arrive."

"But you-" my mouth was covered by Haymitch.

"Keep quiet! Watch and listen." he hushed me.


I can't believe it. Is that seriously gonna happen? So this includes them?" I bombarded Haymitch and Effie with questions, gesturing my large bump.

"That's what it appears to be. It's very shameful," Effie replied.

"So I can't do anything about it?" I gasped.

"Nope, unless you want to start another rebellion and cause loads more to die, then no. Sorry."

"Dammit!" I yelled, chucking the chair across the room and stabbing the placemat.

"Mahogany!" Effie pointed. If I was happier, I would be laughing, but I'm not, so I didn't. Who would be if they just found out that their kids are more likely to be in the Games? And the Games gets harder each year! I guess I'll have to teach them right from the start...


A/N: Forgive me for not updating, I'm still trying to edit these stories. If I could get one comment which isn't hate or 'update soon' then I promise I'll update two chapters of at least 3 pages on Wednesday. So is it a deal? I guess so ;)

I'd just like to thank all those who have supported me from the beginning so far <3

-CrazyClove xox  (changed username coz i got bored of the '77')

The Hunger Games - Raining Fire [[EDITING]]Where stories live. Discover now