Chapter 31- Party Crashers

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The BackUp Dancer

Chapter-31 Party Crashers

~Kaelynn~ POV

I limped down stairs seeing nothing but colorful streamer and people every where. Today's my mom's birthday and we decided to throw her a big party. It's also like a welcome home party after being in the hospital for so long. Mostly my whole family is here along with a couple family friends, her coworkers, and others. It's really packed with people all through the house and others outside in the front or backyard.

"Kaelynn!" I heard Tia's loud mouth. I made my way in to the kitchen trying hard not bump into people. Tia and a couple of the women in my family are in the kitchen cooking it up as usual. Every family event there's always Aunt Katy, Lisa, Faith and Tia in the kitchen cooking up a storm. They often get completive seeing who's cooking is the best. It usual ends in a argument til Thanks Giving which is bound to happen again.

"What's up?" I asked popping a chip in my mouth. My voice came back just today and words can't believe how happy I am. I didn't think I could take another second of not talking. As for my leg? I don't give a damn and it's not gonna stop me from moving around. My family knows and I wish a nigga would tell to sit down. I just have to be carful with this big ass cast on it.

"I need you to pass out the deviled eggs" Tia said placing a tray full of deviled eggs in my hands.

"Or mines" Aunt Lisa said taking Tia's eggs out of my hands and putting her's in my hands. Lord here we go!

"Lisa! What are you tryna say? Your eggs are better than mines?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying!"

"Let me get out of here" I said grabbing any tray of eggs and taking them to the front room. You usual don't want to get in between the two when they argue. Let's just say Uncle John now has a fear of dressing and cranberry sauce.

"Any one what's deviled eggs?" I asked the people in the front room. A couple people came up to me grabbing eggs as I made my way through out the area.

It's been 4 days since I've broken up with Princeton but that hasn't stop him from calling and texting me. Do I answer or respond? Nope. He has to know that I'm not just some joke. If you slept with Tora, to me it's like sleeping with a damn Snake. Why would you do something so stupid right? Roc and Prod even called me too saying how much Prince loves me and how I should give him another chance. Well he better work for my trust because that shits dead, but I'm not trying to worry about him today. It's my mothers birthday and he's the last thing on my mind.

I Limped back into the kitchen quietly grabbing another tray of deviled not wanting to disturb their argument.

"Your greens made poor Quincy throw up!" Tia yelled at Aunt Katy.

"Oh your acting like you didn't give the whole damn family gas last Fourth of July!" She yelled back.

I walked over to Aunt Faith who was watching the whole thing go down while eating on come fried chicken. She's choose not to argue with everyone because she knows how crazy it can get.

"Who do thinks gonna burst first?" I asked taking a wing off her plate.

"My money's on Lisa" she laughed.

"Tell me how it goes" I whispered taking a bite out of her chicken and grabbing the rest of the eggs. I walked out of the kitchen pass some people in the front room watching some game and out to the backyard. I continue to pass out eggs while some kids run around and older people play cards on the table.

I walked up to my Uncle John who is grilling ribs on the grill. He looks the same with his black mustache snaked across his lips with his old features, a chief's hat on his head covering his small black Afro and a apron around his waist.

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