Chapter-18 Dancing/Having Fun

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(Pic of Girls in the mm)

The BackUp Dancer

Dancing/Having Fun

Kaelynn POV

Bowling was fun. We played boys against girls but the boys won at the last minute. Now we have to hear there gloating untill we get to the hotel.

"We won y'all some losers" Ray Ray said as we walked out of the bowling ally.

"That's because everytime I went up you would throw me off!" Shy'Anne said crossing her arms.

"No I didn't!" Ray Ray sucking his teeth. "You just a sore loser."

"So you didn't yell in my ear everytime I went up? Or say 'gutter, gutter, gutter ball!'' Shy'Anne said quoting exactly what Ray Ray said.

"No!" he yelled.

"You a dirty liar" Shy'Anne laughed shaking her head.

We got to both of the cars and was about to get in.

"Wait y'all!" Prodigy yelled.

"What?" Mariah asked.

"I don't want to go back to the hotel just yet" he said.

"Ight. Where you tryna go?" Roc asked.

"I don't know" he shrugged. I looked around the area seeing lots of stores and places we could go.

"How about ToysRUs?" Ray Ray suggested.

"What we go do there?" Princeton asked.

"Oo I want a Nerf gun!" I squealed hoping up and down.

"Me too I want one. How about when we get back to the hotel we play girls vs boys?" Mariah suggested.

"Yeah let's go" Roc said.

We started walking to ToysRUs when we saw a group of girls walking our way.

"Looks like y'all might have some fans coming y'all way" I said pointing to the girl with the MB shirt.

"Shit" Ray Ray cursed.

Now the question is how are we gonna get pass them with out them noticing us?

"Run" Ray Ray whispered loud enough for us to hear.

"Run?" I repeated.

"Run!" he yelled and started running. We all ran towards ToysRUs speeding pass the group of girls.

"Is it me or did that guy look like Roc Royal?" one of the girls asked her friends.

In a matter of seconds we ran inside ToysRUs breathing hard trying to catch our breath. Shy'Anne and Roc collapse on the floor as I placed my hand on my chest.

"Help me up Kay" Roc said reaching his hand out. I took it and tryed to pull Roc up but instead, dragged him.

"Get up Roc!" I laughed hiting his hand. Prodigy also collapsed and Mariah laughed. A employee walked pass us giving us a weird look.

"Excuse me miss but where are the Nerf guns?" Mariah asked.

"The 8th aisle" she said pointing to her left. We got up and walked to the Nerf section.


~Roc~ POV

Once we made it to the Nerf section everyone spilt up and started picking up random things. There where all types of guns, blasters and bows.

The BackUp Dancer {Princeton & Kaelynn Harris} (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now