Chapter-22 Home Sweet Home

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(a/n Jacob Latimore and Alix Lapri in the mm and read the a/n at the end because it's very important!)

The BackUp Dancer

Home Sweet Home

~Kaelynn~ POV

"Jacob!" I yelled hiting him. We ran straight into a pole and the pole fell on top of the car in between us. HE COULD HAVE KILLED US!

"I'm sorry! I was upset!" He yelled stepping out of his banged up car. I did the same and marched over to him.

"Okay I get that your upset but I told you to calm down. We could have got seriously hurt" I crossed my arms and leaned on his car.

Can this day get any worst?

"I'm gonna call Alix to come pick us up" he said taking out his phone.

I signed in frustration "Yes because your girlfriend meeting your ex, slash 'fake girlfriend' is a good idea."

"Well what should we do since you feel as if you have all the answers?" He snapped.

"Don't snap at me, I just said it wasn't a good idea!" I snapped back.

"Whatever I'm still gonna call her" he said putting the phone to his ear.

Idiot! I just want this day to end! First off, I have to be 'fake girlfriend' to Jacob. Now I have to meet his real girlfriend? Hell no! If I know anything about teenage drama, it's that she's gonna see us, get upset, we're gonna argue than BAM! We hate each other. I mean what girl wouldn't hate her boyfriends ex if they had to fake date? Ain't no body got time for that!

I took out my phone and called Princeton and asked if he could pick me up.

"I'll be there in 10."

"Okay thank you."

"Anytime" I hunged up my phone put it back in my back pocket.

"Alix is on her way" Jacob said putting away his phone.

"And Princeton is gonna pick me up."

Jacob looked at me with a confused look than smirked. "I get it! You like Prince don't you!"

"What? No we're just friends" I told him.

"Yes you do! Than why did you ask him to pick you up?" Jacob asked bouncing his eye brows.

I laughed at him "Because I don't want to meet your girlfriend" I told him.

"Mhmm you know you like him" he teased.

I started blushing. Okay! There might be a little, just a little part in me that may or may not like him. I still don't know how I feel. Maybe it's the fact that he's cute that's drawing me to him. Other than that we're just friends and he doesn't even like me back.

"No I don't! And I went out with you and you two are friends. Right? Did y'all make up?" I asked.

"Yeah we're cool now. We just don't hang out like we used to."

"Well you did take his girl" I shrugged.

"Hey! I thought we where passed that by now!" He laughed.

"We are" I smiled laughing with him.

Who knew being a back up dancer for Mindless Beahvior would bring so much drama in my life? I never expected any of this. I still have to take care of my family now I have to make sure I don't go to jail. Wow.

A car pulled up and Jacob walked to it. And it begans!

"Oh my god! Baby are you okay?" The girl who clearly is Alix said embracing him in a hug.

The BackUp Dancer {Princeton & Kaelynn Harris} (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now