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This note is more towards returning readers, if you're new, I'd recommend skipping to the first chapter "Finally Seniors!" as some of the info here may spoil some things. Thanks for understanding.

Nonetheless, welcome and thank you for coming by to read. I hope you enjoy the story.
Welcome back to the second book in the Main Series "Yuriality."

So if you made sure to pay attention to the first note, you'll know that Just Monika comes before this one. Just like when reposting Just Monika, I'll be putting a few chapter of this one up at a time as to not spam your guys' notifications.

As for the story itself, this one is a little different because it involved decision making by the readers. Depending on the choices made, different things would occur in the story, most of the time the having the readers pick between option 1 and option 2 with five different potential events. I'll explain briefly how they worked:

If all the readers picked option 1, the protagonist would go with option 1 with little to no hesitation.

If most readers picked option 1 and a few picked option 2, the protagonist would go with option 1, albeit with some hesitation but would ultimately go with the option selected.

If there were no votes or the votes somehow ended up being evenly split, the decision would be left up to the protagonist based on his previous choices. If this occurred at the first choice, well you'll actually get to see here since no one had picked at the time of writing. I think there was some confusion with the whole decision making system, but certainly not an issue.

If all the readers picked option 2, the protagonist would with option 2 with little to no hesitation.

If most readers picked option 2 and a few picked option 1, the protagonist would go with option 2, albeit with some hesitation but would ultimately go with the option selected.

And there ya go, that's how it worked. Now the goal was to write this story and allow the readers as a whole to make all the choices for the protagonist, leaving whatever choices he made completely up to the readers. Then from there I offered to make alternatives based on a specific readers choice, where readers could come to me and say "hey, what if he did this and this instead of that and that and that." The idea was that I would have a whole bunch of alternatives, each with their own changes based on either a single change in a decision or several, depending on what that specific chose.

I don't know what I was thinking though. At the time the excitement took over and while it seemed like a fun concept, it was almost like going through the same story over and over, and well it certainly burnt me out a bit. I think I only did one of those alternatives for one reader. If I'm not mistaken, their name was "fnaffanficsforever." Once I finished there's, I did an all positive choices alternative and an all negative choices alternative.

Just to make it a little easier to understand, I was really into the game Undertale around the time of writing this, so the all positives can be seen as the "pacifist route" and the all negatives can be seen as the "genocide route." A lot of people were making those connections in the comments at the time.

So in total there's four alternatives. This one is the main one and is like the "canon" route. I'll list them from top to bottom from most positive to most negative.

Yuriality Alternative (True Love)
Yuriality Alternative (Broken Love)
Yuriality Alternative (Devastation)

Now I also want to mention this. There are only three total series. True love goes to the Love Series, Devastation goes to the Hate Series, and Yuriality, this one, stays on the Main Series. Broken Love doesn't continue a series.

No worries about keeping the series and their sequels memorized, as I put up these books, I'll be keeping them in their proper orders on my profile under different readings lists.

There, I think that's all the explaining we need, now onto stuff about this story in particular.

So when I was reading these, I noticed something. I use sleep a lot to transition from chapter to chapter. Pretty much if the protagonist doesn't have anything to do or doesn't know what to do, he sleeps. I'm not sure if this was just a lazy way to get to some of the juicier stuff without having to worry about adding filler in between but it was certainly something I noticed coming back.

I also think this one may have been one of my favorite stories. I recall being excited for the decision making and wondering how it would be different from n the alternatives. Despite being the writer, it's a surprise to myself in a way seeing how things go along and wondering what else could happen should the protagonist have decided to do something else.

Not to mention Yuri is still my favorite of the four. Always has been and always will be.

Other than that I don't think there's a whole lot more to share here. So now, I bring to you...


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