Bad News

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We soon arrived to Keith's apartment. Yuri followed me inside and into Keith's dads room. She sat on the bed and started reading the book I bought her.

"I hope you like it," I said.

She smiled at me and looked back at her book. I suddenly remembered that I also needed to buy some other things for her.

"Oh wait, Yuri. We still need to buy you some other things. Let's go to the store real quick."

"Oh, okay."

She closed the book and put it on the nightstand. We headed outside to my car and I drove us both to the grocery store. I was sure I'd just go through it the same way I did with Monika.

Just like I suspected, it went almost exactly the same way. Sure some people stared, but most people didn't really care. I bought Yuri the same things I bought Monika, except Yuri chose vanilla scented shampoos rather than the coconut ones that Monika chose. After buying all the stuff, I drove us back to Keith's apartment. By the time we got there, it was already six o'clock.

When we entered the apartment, Yuri went into Keith's dads room while I went upstairs to Keith's room. He was still sleeping, and I also realized something else.

Where was Odin? Did he leave or something? And why was Keith sleeping so late?

I gently shook him. "Keith, it's already six! Wake up."

He started to move a bit. "What?"

"It's six Keith, you gotta wake up."

He stretched. "Oh shit really?" He looked around for his phone a bit and checked it. "Damn, it's late."

"Why are you sleeping so late bud? I mean, I'd understand if you slept a little past twelve, but the suns gonna be going down soon. Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I feel fine. I just feel really sleepy."

"Alright well, try to stay awake until the night comes. Maybe you can sleep around nine or ten or something so that you can fix your internal clock."

"My what?"

"Like, your body's schedule for when you feel like sleeping. You need to adjust it by sleeping at the right times. Don't worry though, I need to fix mine also."

"Oh I see. Well I'll try to stay awake for a little while, then."

"Alright cool. I'm gonna be downstairs with Yuri. I'll see you later, bud."

"See ya, Danny."

I headed back downstairs and into the room with Yuri. She was laying her clothes on the bed and looking at them, as well as the clothes she had on.

"Hey Yuri, whatcha doing?"

"I'm just looking at the clothes you bought me. I really appreciate them, but you didn't need to spend so much money on me."

"Aww it's fine Yuri, I really don't mind it. I do a lot of bullshit for a lot of people, and it pays well. Moneys not really an issue. And like, you seemed to really like the clothes. If it'll make you smile, then it's worth it."

She smiled. "Thank you, Danny. Also, I was wondering. How did you know my name? You started calling me Yuri before I even told that was who I am."

"Well I mean, you came out of my best friends computer. How could I not know who you are?"

She giggled. "Oh right. Well, thanks again for the clothes. I really like them."

"Of course, Yuri. I like them too, I really do think they look really good on you."

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