It's NOT A Date

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I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I texted Maegan again and asked her if she was ready. After receiving a message telling me that she was, I headed down the street to pick her up.

Some may be wondering why I decided to hang out with Meagan instead of resting with Yuri. And well, I wasn't just gonna leave her hanging. She's one of my best friends!

I got to her house and texted her. About a minute later, she came outside and got into the car.

"Hey Maegan."

"Hey Danny."

I started the drive. "What's up?"

"Not much really, I've just been at home. What about you?"

"Eh well, a lot of stuff has been going on. It's actually quite a story, but I think I'll tell you about it another time."

"Well I'm sure it's exciting. I'd love to hear about it soon."

"Hey uh, has Kyle's gang been giving you trouble?"

"What? Who's Kyle?"

"Oh well, I don't know if you remember that gang fight we had in February? When I was with Monika?"

"Yeah I remember."

"Well, the leader of that gang was Kyle. Recently, Kyle and I had some complications, and I was worried that he may try to hurt someone I cared for instead of me."

"Well I barely even knew him. I don't think he'd come after me if that makes you feel better."

Yeah, after our 'complications' he definitely won't come after you.

"Ah well, that's good to hear. So like, where did you wanna hang out?"

"I mean, I'm fine with anything. I was just really bored of being at home."

"Are you hungry?"

"Yeah I could eat."

I liked spending time with Maegan, but part of me felt guilty. I wasn't really sure how I would feel if Yuri hung out with some guy while I was asleep. But then again, Maegan wasn't just some girl. She was my best friend.

Ah but nonetheless, it's disrespectful of me to go and take Maegan out on what would seem like a date. Instead of taking her to a restaurant, I decided I'd just take her to the drive thru of a fast food place or something. I mean, we'd still be hanging out.

"I kind of feel like eating chick fil a. What about you?"

"Yeah, chick fil a sounds good."

I drove us to chick fil a and went through the drive thru. It felt a little unusual, since I would normally take Maegan to a nice restaurant or something at this point. But I mean, it ain't bad to just grab something quick to eat, right? I could make up some sort of excuse.

After we got the food from the window, I started heading back to our street.

"Are we going home already?"

"Well, uh, yeah."

"You don't wanna at least eat with me first?"

"Well..." I could be out for a couple more minutes. "Yeah sure, why not?"

I decided to stop in front of my house so that I could immediately drop her off after eating. When we got there, I got my food and started eating somewhat quickly. Maegan seemed to take notice.

"Danny, why are you eating so fast?"

"I got some stuff to do."

Maybe I should've at least swallowed my food before talking... it's rude to talk with your mouth full!

"Oh you do? I'm sorry... we could hang out at another time if you'd like."

I swallowed my food. "No, no, it's fine. I just want to be sure I'm not late, but I got a couple of minutes."

She put her food back in the bag. "It's alright, I can take the food home. I'll text you soon, okay?"

"Alright. Again, sorry. I just gotta get some stuff done, I'll explain it all later."

"It's fine. Good luck with whatever you need to do, okay?" She opened the car door.

"Wait, at least let me take you home."

She closed the door and adjusted her seating position. "Thanks."

I drove her back home. When we got there, I told her that she could try and text me another time and that I'd let her know if I was busy next time. She smiled and told me that it's cool and then we gave our farewells.

Now that I was passed that, I could go ahead and spend some more time with Yuri.

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