The Aftermath

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"Why shouldn't I," I asked him.

He continued to sob while he was on his knees. "I have so much life ahead of me! You'd be an awful person if you decided to end it now!"

I started to feel bad. Killing him now would put a permanent halt on his life. I needed to remind myself of why I was here, what exactly I was doing here.

"You shot my mom Kyle, and it may have put an end to her life, so why shouldn't I put an end to yours?"


I kicked him. "Shut up! I don't want to hear it."

I was ready to pull the trigger. I waited for a sign. Something to tell me whether he should live or die, but there was nothing. This was my decision.

"Goodbye, Kyle."

I pulled the trigger and a loud bang followed. He fell to the ground with a hole in his head, bleeding. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

What did I just do? I took someone's life... I ended it. Whatever future he had ahead of him, I took it away.

"Ah, I feel like throwing up," I told myself. I guess my mind wasn't doing a very good job at handling the fact that I just killed someone.

But it was over now. There was no going back. Kyle was dead, and that was that.

I headed back downstairs and saw Connor on the floor, still grabbing his bleeding leg. Even though he was immobilized, I still felt like I wasn't done with him yet. I put my pistol away and put on the brass knuckles.

"Hey Connor!"

"Wha-What are you doing?"

I slowly approached him. As I did, he started to look scared.

"Please don't, I'll give you anything. Just leave me alone."

As soon as I was close to him, I felt something. A weird feeling in my chest. I couldn't go through with it, I couldn't finish him off.

I sighed. "I'm not gonna do anything. But if you or any of your gang decides to come back to my house, I'll be back. Do you understand?"

"Okay. Thank you."


I headed to the stairs across the room that led to the first floor. The blood was still there, but the guy I stabbed was sitting with the others. They all looked at me as soon as I came down.

"What do you want," one of the non-wounded guys asked.

"I'll be on my way. But if any of you decides to mess with my family again, I'll be back, and I won't just be coming for one of you."

"We'll leave you alone," said one of them.

The rest just put up their middle finger. I just ignored them and headed to my car. I called Roland to let him know how it went.

"Hey Roland."

"Yeah, wassup Danny?"

"I took out Kyle, and his best member has a bullet in his leg."

"Thas good man. They shouldn't go messing with you anymore. I'll see ya later."

He hung up the phone. I drove back to my house to tell my siblings that the person who shot our mother was no longer with us.

Ah, but I couldn't shake the fact that this could've gone a different way.

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