Alright Brandon

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When we got home, I entered and saw Yuri and Sarah watching some show that I didn't recognize.

Well Sarah was watching. Yuri was reading.

"Hey Yuri," I said.

She smiled. "Oh, hey Danny."

"What were you guys up to?"

"I'm just reading. And your sisters watching TV."

"Ah, that's good. Hey uh, I'm gonna go to the room to make a phone call real quick."


I headed to the guest room and called Brandon. I already had some idea what I was gonna tell him.


"Hey Brandon."

"Oh hey Danny, what's up? Did you talk to Cain?"

"Yeah, I did. It didn't turn out too well, Cain's become real aggressive. He says that if you don't pay, they'll send someone after both of us."

"So now both our asses are on the line? Damn, I guess you're gonna have to help me get the money then."

"Brandon, I can't do that. My moms in the hospital, and I don't got much money left."

That was a lie. I had quite a bit saved up from all my sales.

"Well it doesn't look like you have a choice. Come meet me at the crib, we're gonna figure this out."

"Not today Brandon. I really don't have time."

"Well you better come by soon! Our asses are cooked if you can't come."

"Hey, I allowed myself to be part of this mess. If I didn't get involved, you'd be the only one in danger. Appreciate the assistance at least, I shouldn't even be here!"

He sighed. "Alright Danny. Just come by when you can. But don't take too long. Last week, Cain told me my time was almost up, and I'm not really sure how much time we have left."

"Alright. I'll if I can later on today."

He hung up the phone. I didn't want to kill him, but I also didn't want to help him find ways to get the money. Probably a selfish decision, but whatever.

I mean, it can't hurt to do it later, can it? Besides... spending time with Yuri was worth any guilt I could feel.

I headed back to the living room and sat next to Yuri. She smiled at me and then continued to read. I just watched whatever show my sister was watching.

"What are you watching," I asked.

"Doctor Who."

"Huh. I didn't know you liked that show."

"Really? I watch it all the time."

I looked at Yuri. She was just focusing on her book. I just leaned against the couch and continued to watch Doctor Who, but I couldn't find myself taking too much interest in it.

After about maybe thirty minutes of watching, I decided that I wasn't gonna make much progress sitting at home. Maybe I wasn't gonna lend Brandon money, but I could at least help him make the money.

I turned to Yuri, who seemed to have been reading for the time being.

"Hey Yuri."

She turned to me and smiled. "Hey Danny."

"Hey uh, I'm gonna be needing to go soon. I told a friend I was gonna help them."

"Oh..." She looked back at her book. "Well, I'll see you later then."

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