Blood Angel Task

496 15 12

I woke up and checked my phone. It was 10:14, and I had a missed call from Cain. Apparently he called me last night at eleven. I can't recall exactly when I went to sleep, but I knew it was definitely before eleven. I wasn't really up for calling back, but in my position, he was technically my boss. I went ahead and called him back. He answered a little while after.


"Cain, you called?"

"Yeah, but that was last night."

"Sorry about that, I was asleep."

"It's fine, but can you come by later on today? I got some work for you."

"I think I can actually go over right now if you're ready."

"Alright cool. I'll be here."

He hung up the phone. I turned to Yuri and gently shook her awake.


She moved a little before opening here eyes.


"I'm gonna go do something. I'll be back in a bit okay?"

She just nodded and went back to sleep. I guess she was feeling tired, or maybe she overslept since we fell asleep pretty early last night. Whatever it was, it would probably be best to just let her sleep.

I got some clothes from my brothers room and took a shower. After I got dressed and ready, I grabbed my pistol from my dresser and headed to my car. I checked my pockets to make sure I had my knife and drove off after I confirmed.

After a while, I approached the hangout. I walked through the yard and entered the building. Cain was playing cards with some of his members. He noticed me as I approached him.

"Danny, you're here."

"Yup. Just like I said."

"Perfect." He looked at one of the members at the table. "Hey Kent, go get the stuff for me."

Kent got up from the table and headed into one of the rooms. He later came back with a duffle bag.

"What's that," I asked.

Cain took the bag from Kent and opened it. "It's weed. Lemon skunk to be specific."

"Wait, want me to do a drug deal for you?"

"No, I want you to keep watch to make sure everything goes well."

"Okay, well, when are you heading out?"

"It was scheduled for last night, but we're gonna try again right now at his place."

"Where exactly is that?"

"Right now we'll go in my truck. Just give me a couple of minutes, I gotta finish this game."

After a couple of minutes, Cain finished his game. He threw his cards on the table out of anger when he lost and grabbed his keys. One of the other members picked up the cards while Kent followed Cain and I to the truck. After a short drive, we arrived in front of a small, beat up home.

"Alright guys," Cain said. "I'm gonna go ahead and make the deal. You both have your guns, right?"

I patted my side. "Of course!"

"Yup," Kent said.

"Alright then, let's go."

We all exited the truck and followed Cain as he approached the door. Kent carried the bag while Cain knocked on the door. Someone soon opened the door for us.

"Hey, it's you! You got it?"

Cain glanced at the duffle bag. "Yup."

"Good, good. But we can't make the deal here. Go around to the backyard, I'll meet you guys there, I just need to get my cash."

Cain nodded and the buyer closed the door. We headed around the house and entered the empty backyard. The buyer soon came out with two other guys and a suitcase.

Cain and the buyer started to converse for a bit. I tuned out the conversation and focused my attention on the guy that was standing in front of me. He kept messing with his side, so I assumed he had a gun or a knife of some sort. His movements were making me uncomfortable. I mean, I'm sure he was there to protect the buyer if anything went wrong, but why was he so prepared to take out his weapon.

Maybe I'm just overthinking it. He's probably ready in case one of us decides to pull a weapon on them.

Or maybe he plans on taking the drugs and the money...

Damn! If that's the case, then I gotta put a stop to it before he gets a chance!

But if that's not their plan, then I'll just end up putting us at a pointless risk. Hell, I might even get us killed if I'm not quick enough. Should I just wait and hope that I can react quick enough if something happens? Or should I shoot the guy and hope I don't get us killed in the process?

Damn... either one could be the death of us.

Wait and See
Take the Shot

(Make Your Choice)

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