Not As Planned

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I sat on the couch and waited for Yuri to wake up. Hour after hour, just watching. Many would have found it creepy, but I didn't.

Okay, maybe watching someone sleep was a little creepy... but I'm sure there's someone out there who's done it in a way that was somewhat romantic!

Not me though. I'm pretty weird.

I sat on the couch and just watched as she peacefully slept. Slowly taking each breath as she rested.

Okay, I'm not just gonna sit here and watch her. Imagine writing eight hundred words about watching someone sleep? Now that's creepy.

I grabbed my keys and weapons before heading to my car. I didn't have a specific destination, but I wasn't gonna accomplish much just sitting at home.

I decided to head to Starbucks, only this time, I was gonna go to actually relax. Grab a coffee, observe the people around me, think about stuff, just things I regularly do.

When I got there, I put my weapons in my glovebox, wondering why I brought them. I mean, who brings weapons to Starbucks?

Oh wait, I do.

I headed inside and grabbed a vanilla latte before sitting at an empty table. Just me, my phone, and my latte. Quietly listening in on conversations while pretending to use my phone. Things in my life had been so weird... it was nice to see how a normal person was doing.

It was nice seeing what people talked about, even if it was pointless. I guess people just wanted to express their thoughts.

"Cheese is good with EVERYTHING," said a man sitting with a woman.

"What about coffee?"

"Well... I'm sure there's some kind that goes with it." He pauses for a moment. "Ooh! Like that sweet one that's in cheesecake! Mix that with coffee and you're sure to create something delicious."

The woman giggled. "Alright you got that one. How about... ooh! What about water? There's no way you can mix cheese and water!"

"All foods have some water in them. So cheese and water go together like cheese in a burger."

I tuned out the rest of their conversation. Enough about cheese, I barely even liked it.

I just sat on my phone and researched stuff about cars, occasionally taking sips of my latte. I was reading things on the Mercury Grand Marquis until I heard the sound of a chair moving. I looked up and was surprised to see Deanna.

"Hi," she gently said.


"Can I sit here?"


I found myself having trouble looking her in the eyes. Did I really end up being here at the same time she planned on coming? Or was life just trying to throw me off? Well whatever it was, I just knew that I was now sitting in front of my ex girlfriend.

"How have you been," she asked.

Without even taking a glance, I answered.

"I've been fine."

"That's good."

There was a bit of silence. Maybe for about a minute before she asked another question.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

"She's at home."

"Why is that?"

"She's resting."


There was more silence. This was already getting awkward, and we barely even said anything.

"She seems nice," she said.


I heard her phone ping. She took it out and took a look at it. I noticed her take a glance to her right before looking back at me. I saw a girl looking at us from another table. When we made eye contact, she immediately turned away. I felt like I recognized her, but I couldn't really figure out who she was at the moment.

"Is that your friend," I asked.

"Yeah. She told me to come talk to you."

"Oh. Well, if you want, you can go with her. I'm gonna leave in a bit anyway."

Her facial expression changed immediately. "No it's fine. Let's talk for a bit."

I put my phone away and stood up. "It's alright. I need to go check up on Yuri. I'll see you later, I guess."


She had a smile, but it was more of a sad smile. I didn't hate Deanna, I just didn't want to be around her since it brought up emotions that I didn't know how to deal with. But if talking to her for a couple of minutes would make her happy, then I might as well stay.

"Alright, but only for a couple of minutes."

I sat back down and waited for her to speak. She didn't. She just looked at me. I guess she was waiting for me to say something.

"So uh, how have you been?"

"I've been good. Me and Becca had been hanging out a lot more recently."

Wow, what an answer. It sure beats the "fine" you'd usually give me when we were together.

"Hey, that's good."

"Yup! What have you been up to?"

She seemed so overly excited and happy. That wasn't usual for her. When we were together, she'd always act all depressed, causing me to feel depressed.

"Not much. Just been hanging out with Yuri for the past few days."

"Oh well, that's nice."

Her excitement seemed to quickly die down. I guess I wasn't doing a good job at keeping her emotions up. But why should I care? She was my ex after all.


"I uh, like her eyes. And her hair."

"Yeah it's nice. Natural too."

Deanna used to dye her hair a lot when we were together. It looked nice, but I was really into the look of Yuri's naturally violet hair. As well as her bright purple eyes.


"Yup. Her eyes are too. She's got that unique look, don't you think?"

"Yeah... it's pretty nice."

I looked at my phone to check the time. "Yeah. Anyways, I should probably go and check on her now." I stood up and adjusted my sweater. "I'll see ya."

"Alright. Bye, Danny."

I headed out the Starbucks, realizing that I left my latte inside. It would be awkward to go back and get it though, so I just left it. I got into my car and drove back to Keith's apartment.

When I got there, I headed to Keith's room to check on Yuri. She was still sleeping, but she was also breathing, so I knew she was okay. I lied in the bed next to her and hugged her. I didn't have anything else to do. I might as well sleep and hope that Yuri wakes up soon.

I slowly felt the sleep grab me, taking me into the trance that I was used to feeling in the night. Even though it was barely three.

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