Thank You

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After we purchased the book, we walked around the mall a little more, just walking and talking.

"So that was your ex," she calmly asked.


"She seems quiet, which is odd considering her friend is so loud."

"Ah well, she's usually very talkative. She was probably just nervous." I chuckled. "I was nervous too, but I'm glad to have you by my side."

"Of course, Danny. I'll always be here for you."

"That's nice to hear." I chuckled. "I honestly didn't think you'd be one to argue."

"Well, it was just some minor conflict."

"Well maybe, but I would probably find myself yelling if the argument went on. But you, you were so calm."

"I just didn't like the way she was talking to you."

"Well thank you for defending me, Yuri."

She smiled. "Of course Danny."

We continued to walk through the mall, looking at some of the stores. I looked at some flannels and Yuri tried on a couple of outfits. I told her I would buy her some clothes if she liked them, but she insisted on sticking to the ones she already had. I'm pretty sure she just didn't want to spend any of my money, even though I didn't really mind it.

After looking around the mall for a while, we headed back to my car and I drove us back home. It was around five when we got there, so the day was still good.

As I was exiting the car, Yuri grabbed my arm.

"Wait Danny."

"Huh? What's up Yuri?"

"Do you uh... miss Deanna?"

"What? No, I'm already past her."

"Are you sure? I mean, she's really pretty..."

"Aww, but she ain't as pretty as you. She's also not as smart, and she ain't as loving. You're everything I could ever want in someone Yuri."

She started to blush. "Do you really mean that, Danny?"

"Of course I do. I'm really happy to have met you Yuri. And I'm even happier that we're a couple.

I cAn'T iMaGiNe BeInG wItH aNyOnE eLsE."

She smiled as I finished my sentence. We stared into each other's eyes. She slowly movies closer to me while I did the same. Our noses almost touching. She tilted her head and closed her eyes as I moved in closer, pressing our lips together. It may have not been our first kiss, but it was the sweetest.

After we broke our kiss, she quickly moved in and wrapped her arms around me. She moved close to my ear and whispered,

"I love you, Danny."

I smiled and whispered back,

"I love you too, Yuri."

We hugged for a little while without doing much else. I didn't have a problem with hugging Yuri. I actually enjoyed it. I was just a little concerned as to why she was doing this now. Like, it seemed like she was looking for comfort.

"Hey Yuri, how are you feeling?"

She let me go and smiled at me. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I love hugging you Yuri... but you're not usually this 'huggy.' Or like, I don't think you are."

She giggled. "I always want to hug you, Danny. I just feel so in love with you right now, I can't stand being away from you." She hugged me again. "I wanna be as close to you as possible."

From anyone, that would be super flattering. I'd love to hear someone tell me that. But instead of feeling flattered, I felt thrown off. This is Yuri... and well, if you know Yuri, you know that she can be a little scary at times.

But then again, she hadn't been showing that many signs... could I be overreacting again?

"I uh, wanna be close to you too, Yuri."

She let me go and looked me. "You sounded unsure..."

"What? Oh no, I'm sure! I'd love to be close to you Yuri."

"Are you sure?"

I gave her a smile to try and reassure her. "I'm sure Yuri. I'd rather be with you than anyone else."

She gave me an adorable smile and hugged me once again. I giggled afterwards.

"You sure you don't wanna go inside? I think it'd be more comfortable."

She giggled too. "Oh right. Yes, let's go inside."

I turned off the car and led Yuri inside to the bedroom. As soon as we entered, we sat on the bed and hugged once again. She seemed so happy to be around me, it was actually pretty exciting. I started to feel what she was feeling. I didn't want to be apart from her. I wanted to be as close to her as possible.

We lied down and cuddled under the covers. It was such a wonderful feeling, I honestly didn't know why I waited until today to do this.

Yuri lied her head on my chest and closed her eyes.

"You feel sleepy?"

"A little. I just love being around you."

"I love being with you too, Yuri, but I'm gonna need to go do something in a bit. I'll be back later on tonight, okay?"


As I started to move off the bed, Yuri grabbed my arm.

"Wait, can you stay for just a couple more minutes."

I giggled and smiled at her. "Sure."

She lied her head on my chest again. After a couple of minutes, it seemed like she was falling asleep. After I was sure she was fully asleep, I carefully lied her head on the bed and quietly left the room. I then texted Maegan and asked her if she wanted to do something. She soon replied about a minute later saying that she'd love to.

I fixed my hair and made sure I was set to take Maegan out. Maybe to go eat or something. Just a simple hang out.

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