Epilogue (Yuri)

642 19 15

"Okay, so I'm not really sure what to say... but I guess I'll start with Danny. He's a nice guy. I've enjoyed the time we spent together and I've really grown close to him. His mom is really nice and understanding when I do something that seems out of the ordinary, since she knows I'm not from here. Danny's always telling me I'll get used to the real world with time, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. All in all, things have been pretty nice. There is one thing I still can't get past, however..."

"When Danny was telling me about what he did with all those people, I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. I mean, I'm sure anyone would be concerned about the murder... but that's not what I'm talking about. What concerns me were the images that formed in my head while he was telling me. They were so vivid, it felt more like a memory. It was as if I was there to experience everything with him."

"Just the thought of it is making me feel uneasy. I'm gonna go see what he's up to, so I guess this is goodbye?"

I waved to the wall, but I was pretty sure no one could see me. I felt a little odd doing so, but I also felt as though it would be rude to leave without giving a farewell. I left the room and headed to the kitchen with Danny, hoping to escape the awkward situation I had made for myself.

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