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I thought about it for a moment. Half of me felt like he deserved to die. The other half of me felt like I should just leave him be, but I also felt like I'd regret doing that. It would be better on conscience though. Or would it?

No... I had to do it. I had to kill him.

Finger on the trigger, I got ready to shoot.

"Would your mom have wanted this," he cried.

I don't know if his intention was to try and guilt me, but that just made me angrier. How could he have the audacity to talk about my mom after what he did? Especially using her as an excuse for me to let him live... how pathetic.

"Shut up!"

I slowly pulled the trigger passed its safety point. He covered his face as in fear. I approached and kicked him, revealing his fearful expression. As soon as I saw it, I pointed the gun and pulled the trigger.

Not once, but twice.

Two holes in his head appeared after the two loud bangs of the gunshots. His cries went silent as I watched him bleed.

I expected to feel better knowing that he was dead, but I didn't feel anything different. In fact, I may have felt worse than when he was alive. My mom was still in the hospital, and killing Cain didn't increase her chances of survival. Sure I didn't really like Cain, but I did know him. Maybe that was why I felt worse about killing him than I felt when I killed Kyle. I killed them both for the same reason, but I knew one more than I knew the other.

But it was done. There was no turning back.

I gave Jared a call and told him that Cain was dead.

"I'm glad you were able to go through with it. Watch over yourself, okay? I feel like things will be better for you now that he's gone. I hope you feel satisfied with your choice."

"Well, I'm not sure if 'satisfied' is the right word, but it's done already. Just tell the rest of the gang that the deal went south and that Cain didn't make it. I'll deal with whatever they throw at me."

"I'll let them know, and I'll make sure no one comes after you. Stay safe, and if you need anything, you can always come by my place. We'll talk later."

"See ya, Jared."

I hung up the phone. I searched around Cain's body and found his keys. His pocket kept the blood off of them, so I managed to keep myself clean. I drove his truck back to the hangout and picked up my car. I tried not to be seen by any of the members in case they were angry about what happened. After I got into my car, I quickly drove back to my house, constantly checking back to make sure I wasn't followed

When I got home, I sat in my car and thought about what happened. Cain was gone, so I would need to find a new way to make money. Dealing drugs didn't seem like such a bad idea... as long as I could keep myself from getting shot. But then there's also the Blood Angels. Who knows what they'll try to do to me for putting Cain in a position to die?

Alright... let's try not to think about it for now. What I should be doing is going inside and spending time with Yuri. Screw what the Blood Angels tried to throw at me. My family and girlfriend were much more important. Their happiness was much more important than my paranoia.

I entered the house and went to the guest room. Yuri was on her phone, playing color switch again. I sat next to her and gave her a hug.

"Oh, hey Danny."

"Yuri, I love you so much."

She giggled. "I love you too, Danny."

I let her go and looked at her. "I'm gonna go check on my siblings, I'll be right back."

I went to Mike's room and saw him on his laptop. He greeted me as I entered the room.

"Hey Danny."

"Hey Mike."

"What's up?"

"Ah, not much. Hey, you know I care about you right?"

"Of course."

"And you know I'd do anything to protect you guys?"

"Yes, Danny I know."

"Haha, alright. Just wanna make sure."

I left the room and went to Sarah's room.


I immediately shut my mouth after I saw her lying asleep on the bed. I sat next to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I then whispered some things to her.

"Ah, I guess you're asleep. Well I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll always protect you." I hugged her. "I won't let anyone hurt you. You're my little sister, and I'll be here to make sure you're safe." I chuckled. "And to protect you from any assholes you might date. I know I've told you million times that you can come to me when things get harsh, but I just want to make sure that you remember." I gave her another kiss on the forehead. "Sleep well, Sarah."

I quietly left the room. I felt better knowing that my family was safe. Even though my mom was in the hospital, I was confident that things with my family would only get better.

Things for Yuri however, might not be so good.

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