Think About It

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A voice called to me. I felt the darkness slowly going away. Revealing a bit of light.


I opened my eyes. We were in Keith's room and Yuri was sitting next to me with her hand on my shoulder.


"Are you alright? You were moving and kicking in your sleep."

I slowly sat up next to her. "Yeah I'm alright. I think I was having a nightmare or something."

"Would you like to talk about it? Sometimes it helps."

I looked into her reassuring smile. It looked like she was using all her energy to give it to me. Her eyes looked like grayish and it her skin was paler than yesterday.

"It's okay, I'll be fine."

"Alright. But if you change your mind, I'm ready to listen."

"Thanks Yuri."

She gave me another smile before checking her phone. I checked mine also.

"It's already two," she said. "I was gonna go back to sleep, but it's late already."

"You still feel tired?"

"Yes. It feels like I haven't slept at all."

"Well, you could rest if you want."

"I don't like sleeping through the afternoon. I feel like I'm being unproductive."

"Well, sleeping gives us the energy to do productive later. This past week, I've been sleeping quite often, and I feel like my productivity has been at an all time high! And it's cool, because sleeping can help us skip the potentially boring parts of our lives and help us prepare for the more exciting. It's like let's say... a transition through chapters. When we wake up, it's like a new chapter, ready to explore new things."

And those dreams... they could be their own chapters.

"That's quite a way of seeing things. I guess I'll go ahead and take a nap then."

"There you go! Sleep well Yuri."

She adjusted herself on the bed and went to sleep. I sat on the couch and just thought about some things.

Specifically my dreams. The things I saw... they must've meant something. The "1" and the blurry photo. Could they have a possible connection? Let's see.

 Could they have a possible connection? Let's see

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A red "1."

And some words that are extremely blurry, as well as barely visible

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And some words that are extremely blurry, as well as barely visible.

I couldn't think of anyway to connect the two. Maybe if I knew what the words on the second image said. Sadly, I couldn't decipher it. There was no way I was gonna figure out what it said.

Now, about my encounters. Monika and Yuri. I was sure it was just my subconscious making images since I missed Monika, but why was Yuri coming out? Well it's not that weird... since I was dating Yuri, but for some reason, I felt like it meant more than that. Was I bulging feelings for one of them? Losing feelings? I don't know, but maybe time will tell.

Thinking about dreams is weird. Normally, I'd barely be able to remember them, but I could remember these like the back of my hand.

I'm kind of relieved that my last dream was actually a dream. The feelings I was having... they were really throwing me off.

Alright, that's enough overthinking for now.

I'm hungry.

I took my cell phone out and called Keith. When he was here, he'd always tell me that I could treat his apartment like it was may home, but I felt weird doing that while he was away.

He soon answered the phone.


"Hey Keith."

"Oh hey Danny. What's up?"

"Hey bud, would it be alright if I made myself a sandwich or something?"

"Yeah, of course! Help yourself to the fridge. Just make sure you clean whatever dishes you use, okay?

"I gotcha, bud. Thanks."

He hung up the phone and I headed downstairs to make sandwich. I still felt somewhat weird going through the things in his house without him around, so I used a napkin instead of a plate to avoid using any dishes. I made a simple ham sandwich.

After eating it, I headed back upstairs with Yuri. She was peacefully sleeping, unaware of the fact that she was slowly dying. There was no point in telling her though... why scare her for the time she had left? I'd hate for her to live the rest of her life in fear.

Even if it was only for a couple of days.

Nonetheless, she was happy. I should honesty be doing my best to keep it that way instead of trying to figure all these weird signs that my mind was giving me. The more time I spent over thinking, the less time I'd have to be with her. She may be too tired to go out, but that didn't I couldn't spend time with her at home. Even if it wasn't my home.

Alright, it's settled. When she wakes up, I'm gonna spend the rest of the time we have together keeping her happy.

I should've been doing that from the start.

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