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I woke up and checked my phone. It was 6:09, and there was a message from... Deanna? No, it couldn't be, me and Deanna haven't talked in nine months, what could she be messaging me for?

Without waking Yuri, I carefully moved to the side of the bed. I sat up and unlocked my phone to check the message. It was just a simple "Hey."

I sent a "Hey" back and waited for her to respond. I could feel my heart pounding as I waited. She responded about two minutes later.

"What's up?"

Was she trying to make conversation? It seemed like she'd try to avoid me whenever I would try to converse with her in the past.

"I'm just lying down. How about you?"


"Oh nice."


Was that it?

"Was there any particular reason why you messaged me?"

"Well... I wanted to tell you that I missed you."

"What? You're messing with me. Last time we spoke, you told me all the feelings you had for me were gone."

Many mixed emotions dwelled within me. I didn't really know how to handle them. I could feel my hands shaking. I stood up and walked around the room for a bit since I couldn't stand my body being in one place.

"I know, but I miss you so much. I'm sorry for what I said. I really want you back, Danny. I want to be your girlfriend."

"I'm sorry Deanna. I'm not gonna break up with girlfriend just to get back with you."

"You have a girlfriend...?"

"Yes, I do. She loves me, and I love her. You don't love me. You just miss the feeling of having someone love you."

I didn't think I'd be able to tell her this. I guess having her miss me gave me closure? I don't know.

"Danny, I do love you. I promise I really do love you and miss you."

"You've hurt me enough Deanna. Remember when you told me that you were dating Jace so that I would leave you alone?"

"How did you know about that?"

"Your 'best friend' told me. And frankly, I'm happy that he did. If he hadn't, I probably would've already killed myself. But I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered to you anyway... because I'm just some pathetic fuck, right?"

Jace was someone that would try to flirt with Deanna when we were together. He was the guy that she told me not to worry about. Even though she never cheated on me for him, she would still allow him to continue flirting with her. She'd try to assure me that she didn't like him, but I had my doubts.

On one of my attempts of getting back with Deanna, she told me that she was dating Jace. I was depressed for the rest of the night, even contemplating suicide. The next day, I told my friend Randy about it. Deanna and Randy were thought to be best friends, even though that really wasn't the case. When I told him, he showed me some messages between him and Deanna. She told him that if I asked about her relationship with Jace, to lie and say that it was a real thing. And that hopefully, I was finally "getting the hint."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's over between us Deanna. I don't plan on getting back with you. In fact, I really think we should break contact."

"Danny I'm sorry, I love you so much. I'll be the best girlfriend I can be if you take me back."

"No. I'm sorry, but no. That's final. Go ahead and delete my number, I'll be doing the same to yours."

She didn't respond. I put my phone on my lap and thought about what just happened. I felt good for getting over her, but at the same time, I didn't really think I was actually over her.

Deanna was the only real person who wanted me. Monika and Yuri liked me, but they were fictional characters. They probably only fell in love with me because I brought them here. I'm pretty much the only person they've spent time with. If they got to meet other people, I'd probably be the last thing on there mind.

They didn't need me.

The thoughts of it made me cry. I sat on the bed and rolled up my left sleeve. The scars, they were still there. I made those because of a fictional character... how pathetic.

I started to cry some more. I wasn't really sure what I was feeling, but whatever it was, I couldn't hold it in. I needed to release the emotions.

I tried to stop crying, but I could not. It seemed like my body had to cry to live. It wasn't the best feeling, but the release of emotions was somewhat relieving.

I suddenly felt someone behind me. Two arms wrapped around me.

"Are you okay?"

"Yuri... I'm sorry. Did I wake you?"

"It's fine. Are you okay?"

I turned to her and saw her eyes. They seemed to be shining also.

"Yuri, were you crying?"

She wiped her eyes. "I couldn't stand to see you sad. Please tell me that you're okay."

"I'm alright, Yuri."

The tears finally stopped. I wiped my eyes and looked at Yuri as she gave me a comforting smile. Even though she was shy and timid, she was able to take control of the situation and take matters into her own hands.

"Why were you feeling sad," she asked.

I turned away. "Ah, it's really not important."

"Yes it is. If it's hurting you, I want to know so I can help you."

I looked at her again. "Ah well, it's not really much. My ex just started texting me again. I told her I was over her, and well, uh, I don't know. I just feel sad I guess."

She gave me a reassuring smile and touched my hand. "Don't feel sad, Danny. We're together now, and I'm here for you." She hugged me. "I love you, Danny."

"I-I love you too, Yuri."

She looked at my phone. "Could I see the messages?"

I was reluctant to show her, but I decided to let her see them anyway. I watched her make different facial expressions as she read them. She even gasped at some point.

After she finished reading the messages, she gave me back my phone.

"Well Danny, I want you to know that I don't think you're pathetic. If anything, I think you're really sweet." She smiled. "You've been so nice to me these past couple of days." Her smile faded. "But uh, did you really mean what you said when you told her that you were gonna kill yourself?"

"Ah well, I was feeling really depressed at the time, and I had thought about-"

She immediately hugged me. "Please don't do it, Danny. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I could feel my eyes water, but I smiled. "I won't Yuri. Especially with you around, I don't even think the thought will cross my mind."

She looked at me and blushed. "Do I really make you feel that way?"

"Yes." I giggled. "You're cute when you blush."

She covered her face. "Danny!"

I hugged her and laughed. "I love you, Yuri."

She moved her hands from her face and hugged me back. "I love you too, Danny."

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