New Blood

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I headed to the Blood Angel hangout. As soon as I got out of the car, a gang member approached me.

"Hey, you're the fucker that was gonna shoot Cain!" He grabbed my shirt and pulled out a knife. "I should kill you right here!"

Another member approached him and hit him. "You idiot, don't you remember what Cain said? He was gonna join us, and that if any of us laid a finger on him, we'd be killed."

The member immediately let go. "I'm sorry man, I didn't know."

I just shrugged it off. "It's fine man, it's cool."

He just backed away. The other member gestured me to follow him. He led me to where I ended up yesterday. I saw Cain with a beer by his side. This time, he was counting money. I'm sure he just wanted to lop like a big shot.

"Hey Cain."

"Hey Danny! So I'm happy to hear that you're gonna become a fellow Blood Angel."

"Yup. But I'm gonna get paid for work, right? And you'll protect me my family and girlfriend?"

"Of course man, no need to worry about that. In fact, let me make put you in our gang chat."

I assumed it was just a group chat that was made up of the members. I soon got a notification on my phone. I checked it and saw that I was added to the chat.

"Alright Danny, now only you and I can send messages here unless we request that someone else do so. I know you don't know there names, but if you ask a question, someone will gladly answer you, I'm sure. You are second in command after all."

"Well alright. Thanks Cain. Now is there anything you need me to do?"

"Uh, well, you're not gonna be helping Brandon out anymore, right?"

"No sir."

Did I just call him "sir?"

"Alright then, your first task will be to make sure he gets me my money."

"What? I mean, I know I'm not helping him, but I'm not gonna torment him either."

"Look buddy, he owes me. Does he know that you're working for me now?"

"Well no, but-"

"Perfect! Just tell him that if he doesn't pay me, I'll kill you both. That should set him straight."

I sighed. "Alright Cain. I'll make sure he gets your money. Just don't mention that we're working together, okay? That also means that I can't be seen here. You said he's got three days, right?"

"Two now. Yesterday was the first. I want you to make sure I get it by Wednesday."

"And if he doesn't pay?"

He chuckled. "Then I'll have you send him somewhere far away."

"You want me to kill him?"

"Of course. He needs to pay, and if he won't pay with money, he'll pay with his life. That's not gonna be a problem, is it?"

Damn... I'd really need to make sure Brandon pays Cain back. I didn't wanna have to kill someone again. I'm sure I could go through with it, but it's not like I liked it. It was a horrible feeling, even though I didn't even like Kyle.

Ah! It could've have went differently! He didn't need to die!

No Danny, calm down. It's over now. It's all over.

"No, of course not. I'll make sure he pays. And if not, I'll make sure he dies."

"Splendid! Alright then, make sure you don't come back here until Brandon pays or dies."

"Yeah I got it. I'll be on my way then. I'll see ya, Cain."

"See ya."

I headed to my car. I guess that was that. I'd have to either help Brandon get the money, or I'd have to kill him. Hopefully it wouldn't be the latter, but who knows?

I drove back to my house. By the time I got there, it was already 2:30. I entered and saw Yuri reading on the couch while Sarah was watching Star Vs. the Forces of Evil.

I didn't like to admit it, but I really liked that show. But I mean, how could anyone not love Star?

Yuri saw me enter and smiled. "Danny, you're back."

My sister turned to me also. "Where were you?"

"Dealing with some things. What are y'all up to?"

"Just watching your girlfriend on TV!"

Sarah knew I liked the show. Yuri's expression changed upon hearing my sister's comment.

"Sarah, what the?!" I sat next to Yuri and put my arm around her. "Yuri's my girlfriend. And besides, Star's a cartoon character."

"But I remember when you told me-"

"Ah Sarah, what are you saying? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Remember? You told me that-"

"Sarah! I'm gonna read with Yuri in the room, I'll see you later."

"You had a crush on Star!"


I looked at Yuri and checked to see if she felt weird about Sarah's comment. That didn't seem to be the case at all. She was just lightly giggling.

"Ah, let's go Yuri."

I held her hand and led her to the guest room while Sarah stayed and continued to watch the show. I sat on the bed, embarrassed. Yuri sat next to me and looked at me.

"Aww, don't be embarrassed Danny. It's fine to have a crush on a fictional character. I mean, just look at me!"

"Well yeah, but that was long time ago! I only have eyes for you."

She smiled and giggled. "I believe you, Danny." She hugged me, making all the nervous feelings go away.

"Ah, I love you, Yuri. I'm sorry for being so weird."

She giggled even more. "You're not weird Danny, you're unique."

I giggled too. "Isn't that the same thing?"

"Well, in a way, yes. But uh, well, I thought you'd rather be called unique instead of weird."

I started to laugh. "Yuri you think I'm weird, right?"

"I think you're unique."

"So that's a yes?"

"Uh well, that's not what I meant..."

"Yes you did! I'm weird Yuri!"

We both started to laugh with each other.

"Alright Danny, you're unique and weird."

"Ah, but I'm also yours." I lied my head on her lap.

She looked at me and smiled. "Yes, you're also mine." She started to run her fingers through my hair. I loved the feeling of it, I don't know if that's weird.

I'm sorry, I meant unique.

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