The Next Day

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I woke up and saw the sun shining through the window. I was gonna get up until I realized something. The covers were bunched up with me, along with a sleeping Yuri.

I mean I didn't really mind it. The room was pretty cold, so the feeling of lying with the covers and Yuri was nice.

I decided to just lie there for a couple of minutes and wait for her to move.

What was supposed to be a couple of minutes ended up with me falling asleep again for another half hour. After waking up again, I decided that I'd just slowly move her so that she wouldn't wake up.

I slowly moved off the bed, and I carefully moved her arm from my chest, making sure that I didn't move her too quickly. Once I reached the edge of the bed, I quietly got off and headed toward the door. Slowly, I opened it and headed out of the room.

I made my escape. I will live another day.

I'm kidding. Yuri will sleep for a couple more hours.

As soon as I closed the door, I heard a familiar ringing. I immediately checked my pockets and realized that I left my phone in the room. I went back to the room, not being as careful I was earlier since Yuri probably woke up already. As I entered, I saw her reaching for the phone on the nightstand.

"I'll get it," I said.

She moved her hand away and sat up on the bed. I got my phone from the nightstand and answered it.


"Hey Danny."

I looked at my phone. Maegan was calling.

"Maegan? What's up?"

"Not much. I wanted to check if you had any plans today."

"No, I don't think so. But it's pretty early right now, I'll see what happens today."

"Danny it's two."

What? I looked at my phone again. It was 2:13. How long had I been asleep for?

"Oh it is? Oh well, I guess I got up late. I'll let you know though. Or like, text me or I don't know."

"I'll text you and you can let me know if you wanna do something."

"Alright, sounds good. I'll see you later, Maegan."

"Bye Danny."

I hung up the phone and put it back on the nightstand.

"Who was that," Yuri asked.

"Just a friend." I yawned. "She wants to hang out today, but I don't know. I still need to figure out your living arrangements."

She turned away. "I'm sorry."

"Wait, no! I didn't mean it like that. Like, I'm glad you're around. And I wasn't planning on going out much today, anyway."

She didn't respond. She just played with her hair, which was kind of frizzy.

I snapped my fingers. "Shoot! You need a hairbrush, right? Let me go get you one."

She started to feel the rest of her hair as I left the room. Keith had kept all of Monika's old stuff in a box in his room. I ran upstairs and slowly opened Keith's door. I went to his and found the box. Inside it were Monika's old clothes and shoes, her chosen shampoo, body wash and conditioner, her deodorant, her toothbrush, her hairbrush, her floss, and all the things that Maegan helped her get. Strangely, a lot of the stuff was unopened.

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