Final Decision

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I stared at the computer screen while I thought about what I was gonna do. Would I choose Yuri? Or would I choose Monika? It was definitely a difficult decision, but I think I made my choice.

I cared for Monika. I really did. I felt like I loved her and wanted to be with her forever. But I had spent so much time with Yuri, that I felt like I really needed to move on. I couldn't just hold onto the past and hope to see Monika again. I had to stick with Yuri. I told her that I'd find a way to bring her back, and I planned on doing just that.

But before I deleted Monika, I wanted to try something. Why should I just select one? What if I moved them both to the folder?

I decided to try that. I selected both of their character files and moved it into the folder. They both went in without a problem.

Could it have really been that easy?

Did I just find a loophole? Yes... yes I think I did!

(Credits to those who asked though.)

I immediately opened "After Story" and waited for it to start. A couple of seconds later, I was brought down by disappointment.

As soon as the application attempted to open, a pop-up came up. It stated:

"'After Story' could not be opened. Please try again later."

So that's what happens...

I went back to the game files and saw the character files in their original spots. I checked the folder and the files were no longer their. Everything was how it was before I moved the files. I guess I really did have to choose.

After some more thinking, I decided to go with Yuri. It wasn't an easy choice to make though. Part of me still felt like going with Monika. My mind was conflicting with itself, trying to figure out what I was gonna do.

I put the mouse over Yuri's character file and dragged it into the folder.

"'Yuri.chr' was moved successfully."

I put my mouse over Monika's character file and right clicked. As I hovered my mouse over the delete button, something popped up.

She opened... YouTube? But why?

After a couple of seconds, the video loaded.

(Mega Credits to Emirichu and OR3O)

It played on its own and stopped near the end where it asked "delete Monika.chr?"

The video didn't really pertain to our situation, but maybe that wasn't her intent. Perhaps it was a goodbye? Or maybe an attempt to tug at my heartstrings?

I wasn't really sure why she played it. All I knew was that it made me wanna cry a little. It made me feel even more unsure about my decision.

I sighed and thought about it some more. After holding back some tears and thinking about it some more, I made my final decision.

I was gonna stick with Yuri. I right clicked Monika's file and hovered the mouse over the delete button. As soon as I did, another box came up.

"I understand. Just know that I will always love you. No matter what."

Dammit... this wasn't making it any easier.

I clicked "OK" on the box. After I did, I attempted to delete Monika's file again. This time, nothing interrupted. I hovered my mouse over the delete button, and with a lot of hesitation, clicked it.

"Are you sure you want to delete 'Monika.chr?'"

"Yes" or "no"

I hovered my mouse over "Yes" and clicked it. After I did, another box came up.

"Goodbye, Danny."

I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I whispered, "goodbye Monika."

I clicked "OK" to close the box. After I did, "After Story" opened itself. I hovered the mouse over the icon. It was no longer called "After Story." It was now labeled as "Yuri."

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