On To Business

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I looked into Yuri's beautiful eyes. In the bright purple, I could a see a future between us. I held her hand and watched her smile as I held it. She also blushed, but it just made her that much more adorable.

"So, this is us. We're together now."

Her smile widened. "I guess we are."

Something suddenly came to mind. Yuri was able to take my mind off of yesterday's events for a while, but something suddenly made them come back. Why? Why put these horrible thoughts through my head in this moment of happiness?

I hugged her. "I love you Yuri, but right now, I'm gonna need to take care of some things. I'll be back later on today, and we'll be able spend more time together."


I went to my brothers room to let him know that I was gonna be leaving. He didn't seem too happy with my decision.

"Our mom gets shot, you bring a fictional character to our, and you decide you're heading out? What the hell, Danny?!"

"Mike, I'm gonna go meet up with some people I know. I'm gonna find out who hurt mom."

He sighed. "Danny, I don't think you should do that."

"I've made up my mind. I'm going to, and Thad final."

"Alright. Just be careful. I know you're a tough dude, but don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. By the way, Yuri's gonna be staying here, so I need to keep watch of her. Make sure she's keeps doing alright."

"I'll keep watch of her. Just be careful, and make sure you have a weapon."

I patted my pocket. "Way ahead of you buddy."

He went back to using his phone while I headed out of the room. I checked for my keys and headed out to my car. I needed to find Kyle, so I decided to start with anyone who might know him. I knew four people: Roland, Andrew, Brandon, and Richard. I met them one time when I was out helping Cain.

I headed to their "crib" so that I could ask them questions. It took sometime since they lived further down south. Once I got there, I knocked on the front door. Roland answered it soon afterwards.

"Hey Danny, what's up?" He gave me a fist bump.

"Hey Roland, I wanted to know if I could talk to you and your gang about something."

"Sure brotha, come in."

I walked into the house and followed Roland to the room where me and Cain were held at gunpoint. The other members greeted me upon entering. After we exchanged greetings, I decided that it was time for me to ask my questions.

"Hey guys, you remember Kyle, right?"

"Hell yeah we remember," Andrew said. "We also remember you kicking his ass!"

"Ah well, I'm glad you remember, because I suspect that his gang pulled a drive by on my house."

Roland looked surprised. "Shit man, really? Even after what you did, he's still trying witchu?"

"Yeah, sadly. I really wanna get revenge, so I was hoping that maybe one of you could tell me where he lives."

Roland shook his head. "We don't know where he lives, but we do know where him and his gang hang out. We'll take Brandon's truck and can follow us in your car."

"Alright sounds good. I'll go ahead and head wait in my car."

"Wait Brudha! You'll need this." He took a pistol out of a drawer. "Is a nine millimeter."

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