This Is It

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After a couple of seconds, the application loaded and showed Yuri smiling at me from the space room.

No words loaded though. I just watched as Yuri stared at me. I know it didn't freeze either, since the music was playing and the space background was moving. I clicked around, trying to somehow or trigger or activate something.

After a many clicks, the screen suddenly started to distort. The same familiar distortion I had seen before.

Was it really happening? Was she coming back?

I took a step away from the computer and watched it. It emitted a loud static noise. It used to freak me out before, but I was way too excited to be freaked out by anything.

I then saw it. A hand came through the computer screen. I immediately ran to grab it and help her out of the computer. After a bit of struggling, I saw her familiar violet hair. I continued to pull her out of the computer until she was fully released from it. As soon as she came out, I held her and made sure she didn't fall onto the floor. I then lied her on the bed.
She slowly turned to me and looked at me with a look of surprise and exhaustion.


My heart burst with emotion as I heard her say my name. I immediately hugged her and cried a little.

"Yuri! You're back!"

She slowly hugged me. "What happened?"

I sat down next to her smiled at her. I explained what had happened with the computer and the images that I had seen in my dreams. She looked a little confused afterwards, but I expected that. Explaining things was never really my strongpoint.

"I'm sure it's pretty confusing, but what's important is that you're back now."

"I missed you, Danny."

"I missed you too, Yuri. Man... I got a lot to tell you about. My mind is so overwhelmed, and I really need to get some things off my chest."

She smiled at me. "Go ahead."

I told her all about the things I went through, starting with when she came here.

I told her about Kyle.

I told her about the Blood Angels.

I told her about Brandon.

I even told her about Cain.

She seemed surprised when I told her about how I killed some of them, to which I responded by telling her how I felt bad about doing it, even though I felt like I had my reasons for it.

After I was done telling her about all the things happened, I wrapped it up and told her how I felt.

"I honestly don't know how I got through it all. I made some difficult decisions along the way, but I had to make sure nothing happened to you or my family. I'm just glad that all of you are safe now.

She hugged me. "I am too. Don't worry Danny, I respect the things you did. We all have that little monster inside us that'll push us to do things we might regret, but you had your reasons."

I suddenly heard something from downstairs.

I let go of Yuri and looked towards the door. "Did you hear that?"

She nodded. I lightly patted my pocket to make sure my knife was there. My pistol was still in my glovebox, so I didn't have it ready. My knife should do just fine, though.

"I'm gonna go check it out."

I headed out the door and looked down from upstairs. I heard voices and instantly recognized them.



I headed downstairs and gave him a fist bump. "Dude, I gotta tell you what happened!"

"Haha alright, but give me a couple of minutes. I'm gonna help my dad take some stuff out of the truck. Go ahead and wait for me upstairs."

"Alright bud, I'll see you in a bit."

I headed upstairs and sat on the bed with Yuri while I waited for Keith. After couple of minutes, he came back and greeted us both.

I went on to tell him about Yuri, and what happened when we came to his apartment. I decided to not tell him about what I did, since I wasn't really sure how he'd react. After I finished telling him about what happened, he gave me his comments.

"So you're over Monika then?"

"Yup." I smiled at Yuri. "I only have eyes for Yuri."

"That's good buddy. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks bud." I yawned and stretched. "Shoot, I feel pretty tired."

"You can go ahead and take a nap if you'd like."

"It's fine. I think me and Yuri are gonna head home. I gotta check up on my siblings."

"Alright well, you're always welcome here."

"Thanks bud. I'll see you later."

I grabbed Yuri's clothes from the bed and grabbed my keys. After Yuri and I gave our farewells to Keith, we headed to my car and then back home.

When I got there, I greeted my siblings and asked them about there day. I made sure to keep the conversation short since I was feeling pretty tired. After seeing my siblings, I headed to bed with Yuri.

"So what are we gonna do tomorrow," she asked.

I got comfortable on the bed. "I'm not sure. All I know is that I want to spend the day with you."

"That'll be nice."

"Yeah. Goodnight Yuri."

"Goodnight Danny."

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