Focus On Yuri

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On the way home, I received a text from an unknown number. Once I was in my drive way, I took a look at it. It read,

"Hey. Roland may say you're off the hook, but I don't. Come by later on and we'll discuss what you need to do. -Brandon"

Ah well, I can't say I wasn't expecting that. Brandon didn't seem to like me all that much, but I was fine with that. I didn't need to worry about that. Right now, I needed to check on my siblings and on my girlfriend.

I headed inside. The living room was empty, so I went to my brothers room to check if he was there. Upon entering however, I saw Yuri. She was looking in a drawer. The drawer where I kept my... knives.

"Yuri! What are you doing?"

She looked at me. I expected to see her with her sleeve rolled up and with a look of excitement. But that wasn't the case at all. She looked a little surprised, and her cheeks were red, but that was it.

She looked away and played with her hair. "I'm sorry. I asked your brother about you and he told me that you like knives. And well, I like them too. So, uh..." she played with her hair more vigorously. "I decided to take a look."

"Oh well, that's fine. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to freak out."

I didn't only keep my knives in there though. I had some broken cell phones, chargers, a BB pistol, hell I even had some condoms in there.

"It's okay. I shouldn't be going through your stuff anyway."

"Well, I don't mind it. I've got a couple of knives in there, you wanna check 'em out?"

She smiled. "Yes."

I got all of my knives from the drawer and brought them to guest room. I lied them on the bed and took the butterfly knife out of my pocket to put it with the rest of the knives.

"Alright, I'll be right back. Let me just tell my siblings something."


I headed to my sisters room. As I did, I noticed Mike coming out of the restroom.

"Mike! I need to talk to you and Sarah real quick."

"Uh, okay."

We both entered Sarah's room, who was on her phone. I called attention and had Mike and her sit on the bed.

"So what's up, Danny," Mike asked.

"Alright guys, I found the guy who shot mom."

"You did? Let's call the police," my sister said.

"It's alright, we don't have to. He's dead!"

I feel like I sounded a lot more excited about that than I should've.

"What do you mean," Mike asked.

"I shot him! He's gone guys, neither him or his gang can bother us anymore."

My sister looked a little uneasy. My brother looked surprised.

"Danny, how could you do that," he asked.

"He shot our mom, Mike. He deserved it!"

"I know, but Danny, you gotta control yourself. I wouldn't ever think of you doing something like that."

"Can't you just appreciate that he's gone? Damn, it's like you feel sorry for him. Don't you care about mom? She might die because of this guy!"

My sister gasped. I immediately remembered that she wasn't aware of that.

"I do care about mom and I'm glad he's gone." He sighed. "I just didn't think that you'd be the one to kill him."

"Well it's done already. There's no going back." I sighed. "Let's not talk about this anymore. We're gonna go back to the hospital tomorrow at 4:30. Sarah, I'm gonna leave you here with Yuri, okay?"

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