Play With Me

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"Hey Yuri, is everything okay?"

"What? Oh yeah, everything's fine."

"You thinking about something?"


"Whatcha thinking about?"

"What? Oh uh..." She looked away and started playing with her hair. "It doesn't matter."

"It's alright, you can tell me. Is there something on your mind?"

She looked at me. "Well, I was thinking about... today. When we went to go see your mom at the hospital, you seemed so sad. Which is normal, of course, but I just wish there was some way I could help you feel better."

Why was that making her feel shy?

"It's fine, just having you there helped a lot."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad it. And uh, I was also thinking about how you told your mom I was your... girlfriend." She blushed as she finished her sentence.

"Oh well, I was sure it'd make her happier knowing that I found a girlfriend already. She hated how depressed I felt after me and my ex broke up, so seeing me with someone else would let her know that I was past my ex."

My mom didn't know about Monika. I was talking about Deanna, a girl that I dated about two years ago. I had grown an emotional attachment to her, and tried asking her out eight times after the break up. Each attempt ended in rejection.

"Oh I see. Do you still miss her?"

"Well, not really. Over the months that passed recently, I had gotten over her. If anything, I'm actually...

LoOkInG fOr sOmEoNe."

"Oh well, it's good that she doesn't affect you anymore." She seemed happy at the fact that I didn't want Deanna.

"Yup. So was that all you were thinking about?"

I suspected there was more.

"Well, that's most of it really."

"Most of it?"

"Yes. I-I was also thinking about how..." she stopped speaking and started playing with her hair. She turned towards the wall and started to blush.


"Never mind."

"Aww come on Yuri, you can tell me."


"Look, if you tell me, I'll tell you something about myself. Yes?"

"Well... it's really nothing."

"Come on Yuri, it's alright. You can tell me anything, I won't judge."

"I was thinking about how... I wouldn't mind being your girlfriend." She started to blush some more.

"Aww, Yuri! Well, uh, I have something to say also."

She looked at me. "You do?"

"Yeah. Okay, so there's this girl I like..."


"And well, she has all these wonderful qualities. A couple that I have never seen on anyone else. She seems so shy, yet so perfect."

She started to blush again.

"And well, I had been wanting to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I've been too shy. What do you think Yuri?"


"What do you think she'd say if I asked her to be my girlfriend?"

"I-I would say yes."

"You would?"

She looked surprised. "I mean, she would! I'm sure she'd love to be your girlfriend."

I giggled. "Yuri, I like you a lot. I know it's only been a couple of days, but I feel like we belong together. What do you say?" I held her hand. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"

Her facial expression immediately changed. She looked excited, but in a way that was somewhat unsettling.

She started to giggle. And then she started to laugh some more. It soon turned into a maniacal laugh, and then an uncontrollable one. She started to breath heavily and harshly.


She moved her hand to her pocket. And then the other. She kept patting herself, as if she was desperately looking for something.

I put my hand on her shoulders. "Yuri, are you okay?"

With that, she suddenly calmed down. Her excited expression turned calm, and her laugh died down, as well as her breathing.



I hugged her. "Yuri, are you alright?"

"I-I felt so overwhelmed. But now, I feel calm."

I let go of her and looked into her purple eyes. She stared back at mine.

She suddenly surprised me by quickly kissing my lips. She then blushed and covered her face. I couldn't help but blush also.

"I'm sorry."

"I-It's fine." Now I was feeling nervous. "Are you feeling better?"

"Yes, I am. Thank you Danny."

"No problem, Yuri. I'm glad you're doing alright."

We hugged once again. So Yuri was my girlfriend now. The thought of it made me smile. I didn't know how much I loved Yuri until I met her. Now, here she was, in my arms. Although, I couldn't help but feel like I was forgetting something...

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