Another Hospital Visit

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"Hmm," I quietly mumbled.

"You gotta get up, we gotta be at the hospital in fifteen minutes," said my brother Mike.

I rubbed my eyes. "Oh shit, really? Alright, let me get up. Wait for us in the living room, we'll be right there."

After he left the room, I gently moved Yuri. I needed her to watch over my sister while Mike and I went to the hospital to talk to the lawyer.



"Could you watch over Sarah while me and Mike go to the hospital."

She slowly stretched and sat up. "Where is she?"

"She's probably in her room. You don't really need to worry, if she gets bored she'll probably use her phone or watch cartoons or something. I'll be back soon, okay?" I hugged her.

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too."

I grabbed my weapons from the dresser and concealed them. Afterwards, Mike and I headed out to the car. In a couple of minutes, we were at the hospital. We entered and met with a nurse, who once again, asked for some information before allowing us to visit our mom's hospital room.

Only this time, she wasn't there. There was only a suited man in a chair.

"Where's Christina," Mike asked the nurse.

"She's been taken out of state to another hospital. She told us that you'd be meeting here with a lawyer at 4:30, so we have the room under her name until five."

We didn't even get to give a proper goodbye to her. I was expecting that we'd see her tomorrow, but I guess not.

"Oh, okay," I said.

The doctor left and we closed the door. Mike and I stood in front of the lawyer, who was opening his suitcase.

"Okay, uh, Mr. Guerrero?"

"Yes," we both asked simultaneously.

"Mike Guerrero."


"Your mother has declared that your home will belong to you first since you are already eighteen years old, but that the custody will be shared with the rest of your siblings when they are the appropriate age. She has also left some possessions for you, as well as an insurance settlement, but that will all be explained only if the death does occur. Otherwise, you will not hear from me again." He handed us both a business card. "If the insurance does go through, go ahead and call me and follow the address on the back."

He closed his suit case and left. I felt as though there was supposed to be a lot more, but that he didn't ask us because he thought we were too young or something. But for now, that didn't matter. Right now, I needed to take my brother home and figure out what I was gonna do about Brandon.

No matter how much Yuri made me forget about my problems, they'd always be there, ready to haunt me again.

My brother and I got into the car. It was a silent ride home, but I assume it was because he was listening to the radio.

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