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I was just sat in the beanery talking with Vic about her and Theo, they've been having some issues recently when the klaxon goes off.

I didn't even register the lactation into my head and jumped up into the passenger seat.

Oh god, is Carina at work today? Andy says from the back.

Yeah, why? She's only in for a couple hours. I say as we start to drive the short distance

Oh god, not right now. I say and looked at my phone and see its Carina.

Hey baby, I can't really talk right now, I'm on my way to a scene. I say

Maya? I hear

I didn't even recognise the voice at first, I didn't even think it was carina's

Maya, I'm scared. She says with a crack in her vocals.

Ohhhh baby, what's wrong, talk to me. I say

Fire, there's a fire, me me I'm on fire, the hospital is on fire, maya please you have to come and get me, I want you, please please come get me.

Ok ok, baby you need to calm down, I didn't get what you said. Something bout a fire was it? I asked concerned

After I asked that question I realised my surroundings.

Why the fuck are we out side the hospital.

Maya, I need maya. She cry's out.

Ok ok, baby where are you exactly. I asked

My office, I tried maya, I did everything you taught me but I can't get out. She says

That's ok, it's ok I'm so proud of you right now my love, I'm gonna come and get you ok, just stay low and cover your mouth. I say

Ok. She says and I can just hear from her voice she's on the verge of tears

I have to hang up now ok, but I'm gonna be there soon, so soon ok. I say

Ok, ti amo. She says

I love you to, so much. I say and that's when the line went dead.

Maya let me take lead of this. Andy says

Your to close to it, hey we're gonna get carina out of there, I promise

Oh god. I need to get to Carina, she's so scared Andy. I say

Ok maya, we're gonna get her out I promise you. She say

I look up at the building and I can see where Carina's office is place from where I'm stood.

I'm trying to see if I can somehow see her which is impossible but oh well.

Gibson, miller, Montgomery your doing search and rescue

Warren and hughs your on hose. Andy says

Bishop and Sullivan, your on aid car. Andy says

What no, I need to be inside, I need to get to carina, swap me with jack, she's not gonna go with him. I say defensively.

Maya I can't, your to close to the situation. She says

Andy, we are wasting time arguing bout this when I can just go in and get my girlfriend. I say

We were literally just bickering back and forth whilst everyone has gone to their assigned places.

I started making my way over to the aid car when I noticed jack and miller bringing two people out.
It's been about 10 minutes and I just keep going over people with the oxygen masks when I hear the radio going off.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now