teddy bear 🧸

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(Don't know bout the spelling )
Carina has a teddy bear bear. That's all I gotta say.

She's had this teddy bear since she was a baby she told me and it's been with her since.......
Fucking hell Carina would kill me if she just heard me call her teddy an "it".

She's been with Carine ever since, her name is Tubby, Tubby the teddy bear.

It doesn't go places with her, Carina's not that weird.

It stays in our bed, yep in "our" bed.
It sleeps in our bed with us, I've woken up a couple times and I've got the stupid bear in my arms.

Even though there is a part of me that is jealous that I never had a teddy bear growing up, I just know I would've lost it by the time I was 5 and I would not have it in my bed with my wife at 34.

There was this one time where we first started dating, we were officially together for about 4 months and I realised I've never actually slept over at Carina's place. Mad I know but I begged Carina for about 3 weeks to stay at her place because we've always stayed at mine and I've been in her room bout 3-4 times at that time and she always on edge when I was near her bedroom door.

Carina, come on it can't be that bad, it's not like your room is a mess? Is it? I asked

Well..... no, you know me Maya I'm a neat freak so do you really think my room would be a mess? She asked

Well, no that's why I don't see the problem with me staying with you. I say starting to get annoyed.

Don't yell at me. She says to me and she lets out a pout.

Ohh not the pout.

Baby, I'm not shouting, I'm just trying to understand why I can't stay with you, you've stayed at mine a million time so it's only fair I stay with you. I said

Ok, I have something to tell you.........
You can't laugh at me though? She says as we sat at my kitchen island.

Ok, what is it? I asked

Come on..........
I said as she just stayed silent

I don't sleep alone.........

What? I asked confused


I sleep with someone else, not you........
There's someone else Maya. She says

You're cheating on me? I say in disbelief

No, I would never do that. She says and genuinely sound offended

Then what, you just told me you're sleeping with someone else, who is it? What's their name? I asked

Tubby. She says I she gives me a giggle.

Carina, this is not funny, who in their right mind names someone tubby?

Me, I named her tubby. She says

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