Communication 🗣️

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Today is Saturday and I'm not on shift today, I had a 24 yesterday so now I have the next two days off until my next shift.

Me and Carina have been seeing each other for about 6 months now but now that I think about it I haven't really heard of her in about 2 weeks, I mean of course we've had conversations but we haven't had long and deep talks and we haven't been on any date or spent the night together which I find odd because Carina is always up for it.

But it's like every time I bring up seeing each other there's always something in the way, like she has work or she's busy or she's feeling sick but this is just to weird for me,
I mean 2 weeks.

So I decided to message her to see if she's free today.

Baby girl 😍: heyyyy, are you free today?
I'm not doing anything and we haven't seen each other in two week so I was just curious if you want to do something. Lmk?

I let out a sigh after sending my message just wondering what her excuse is going to be this time.

I mean if she just wants to break things off she should at least have the decency to tell me and not let me massage her everyday to see if she actually wants to see me.

And before I know I'm getting a reply back.

: Hey Bambina, I would love to, do you want me to come to yours or you come to mine?
I don't mind either way xx

Well that was not the respond I was expecting

Baby girl 😍: I can just come to yours,
I won't be long xx

: okkkkk

And before I know it I'm getting my shoes on and grabbing my car keys and making my way out of the apartment and towards my car.

Carina lives a-bit further away from me but not to far so it's a decent car ride from my place to her.

It took me about 10-15 minutes to get to Carina's and when I did I made sure to lock my car.

Carina lives in a really nice and calm neighbourhood but I ain't taking any chances with my car.

I've heard of story on how Carina has left her car unlocked by accident but that didn't bother her she was pretty calm when she told me like it was just another story of her telling me about her day.

So I walked up to her porch which has a set of chairs sitting there, Carina has a full on house to were I have an apartment.

She has a garden with bushes surrounding the whole length so there's privacy and no one can look in and see what she's doing which makes me feel better for when I know she's alone.

I knock on the door and patiently wait for her to come answer which didn't take long because not long later the from door opens and Carina is stood there looking more stunning then the last time I seen her if that's possible.

She's wear black leggings with a white jumper to match her white converse.

Hi Bella. She says as she plants a kiss on my lips.

Hiya babe, how's your morning been? I asked as we walk back inside and I close the door behind me.

Um, I haven't really done much, I went in the shower and did some laundry and that's just about it. She says

Have you not had breakfast? I asked

No I have, I had a protein bar. She says as she looks at me innocently

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