Jokes 🤡

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I was just laying in bed scrolling through my phone, Maya is already at work and won't be home for another 2-3 hours so it's just me and Athena here.

Talking about Athena I heard a knock on my door and it started to open.

Mama I'm bored. She said as she flops down on the bed which made me giggle.

What do you wanna do Bella? I asked which only leads to her shrugging her shoulders

Well mom won't be too long so if you want we can watch a movie later? I offered.

Mmmm, I guess but I wanna do something now, I'm going to die of boredom. She says
And I giggled

Can we trick mom? She asked added on.

Like prank her? I asked wanting to make sure I know what she's taking about

Yeah, exactly.

How do you wanna trick her? I asked and the room went silent.

What would make your mother lose her mind? I added on

Piercing? She says with the biggest grin.

She would literally kill me if I allow you to get that. I say as I laughing my head off.

Exactly that's the point.

How are we going to do that though, I'm confused. I say to my daughter

I have a fake on...... hold on. She yells as she's already running off.

No running in the house Bambina. I yell.

Ok mama. I just about make out from afar

What have I got myself into. I think to myself.
I was sat for about 10 minutes before my bedroom door swung open again and in walked Athena.

Where is it then? I asked as I sat up on my bed and leaned against the headboard.

To my surprise she lifts her jumper and I see this metal thing in her stomach.

Bella, please tell me that's fake and you haven't secretly gone behind mine and moms back and got that done. I sat fearfully

Yeah, it is look. She says and starts playing with it and then it not in her stomach anymore and is in her hand

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even know I was holding.

Don't do that to me Bambina. I say as I hold my chest and she bursts out laughing.

Ohh mom is gonna be so mad. She laughs out.

I don't know, I'm gonna get in trouble. And you know what happens when mom is mad at me. I say with a knowing look

Yeah, you're on the couch. She laughs again.

Exactly, you'll keep your bed I don't want to go on the couch. I moaned

You can sleep with me, but she gonna find it funny when she finds out it's a joke,
Come on mama. She says

Ok, I'm in but I'm blaming you. I say and she smiles

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