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It was Saturday afternoon and I was finishing up my work out for the day.

Carina is working today, she left around 7 this morning and won't be home until 10 tonight.
I mean maybe later because she supposed to have a c-section that overlaps her schedule but you never know.

Well, was anyways, that was until I got a call from Bailey

Hello this is Maya speaking? I say into the phone when I got a call.

Hello maya, this is Bailey.
Bens wife. She says

Hey Bailey is everything...... OMG has something happened to Carina? Is she ok? She says when I realised.

No she's ok, however we do need you to come collect her......

Why? Is she sick? All these questions popping into my mind all at once.

No she's fine..... I'm sure she'll explain everything when you get here, if not I will because as much as I love DeLuca we do not condone this sort of behaviour. She says and I couldn't tell if she was mad or not.

Ok, I'm on my way.

Ok good we'll be in my office waiting. She adds

Ok. I say as hung up after saying goodbye.
What the fuck have you got yourself into now Babe. I mutter to myself.

As we all know Carina has a really short temper which has gotten her in some tricky situations some times and I'm assuming that's why she's in her bosses office right now.

We have had thousands of conversations about how she needs to learn to control her temper and rage and to make sure she doesn't become a threat to anyone, because if she gets to a certain point she can get physical, she doesn't mean to like she genuinely can't control it and if it ever does get to that point she is inconsolable she'll be upset for hours or even days later.

I'm now around the corner from the hospital and it's not rush hour yet so the roads are pretty calm.

I pull into the parking lot and look for a space to park my car by.

Luckily I found one really close to the entrance.

There are so many scenario's going through my mind of what Carina could have possibly done to land in the office of Miranda Bailey.

I walk up to the entrance when I'm strapped by Amelia.

Captain blue eyes, you here for Carina? She says with a smirk.

What did she do? I asked but a part of me kind wanted to stay in the unknown of everything.

I'm not really sure, all I know is that it's something to do with an intern. She says

You got your hands full with that woman. She laughs.

Tell me about it, I'm gonna go get her and find out whats happened. I say and we parted ways.

I walk up the flight of stairs towards Baileys office and it felt like it was taking forever but that was until I was stood in-front of a door with a sign next to it saying Chief's office.

I knock twice and was greeted with a "come in" from the inside.

I walk in and was greeted with Bailey sat by her desk and Carina sat on a chair in the corner raging with rage.

You can just see it in her eyes.

Carina.....babe, what did you do? I asked and I realised I brought her out of her own thoughts.

Nothing, I was literally defending myself. She says

I just turn to Bailey wanting to know the full story.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now