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I shot up in the middle of my sleep with the most agonising pain in my stomach, pain I have never felt before.

I slowly leaned over a little checked the time which was 2:51 AM.

Oh god, I have to be up for work in two hours. I thought to myself.

I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

I walk back to my bed room and walk through to my bathroom and look for some painkiller so I can get back to sleep so I'm not tired for work.

I take two paracetamol and take two big sips of water and swallow that down.

I stand there for a second trying to get my head together before I decided to head to bed.

I lay there with my eyes shut waiting to fall asleep when I heard my phone ping.

That's odd. I think to myself

I look over and grab my phone which is fully charged to I unplug it and turns out I got a message from Danielle.

Dani: Hey Stef, I know you're most likely sleeping right now but my car is in the shop getting checked over cause it was playing up, I was wondering if it's not to much trouble are you able to pick me up while on your way to set, ok if not xx

I immediately reply with

Stef: hey, yeah that's no problem with me, I'll pick you up around 5:30 xx

Stef: you're up late, everything ok?

Dani: thanks, you're a life saver, I could ask you the same question.

Stef: I asked first x

Dani: I was sleeping and then randomly remembered in my sleep I didn't have a lift ahaha your turn?

Stef: needed a drink, I'm gonna try get some more sleep, see you soon xx

Dani: yeah, sleep tight xx

It wasn't a complete lie. I say out loud after feeling guilty for lying to Danielle.

I soon get into my old position and try to sleep which lucky worked this time.
Ahhhh. I moaned as I heard the alarm blaring through my whole bedroom and with that Jeff woke up and started jumping all around me.

Ok ok Jeff, let go to the toilet. I say and moved quickly when all of a sudden I felt it again.

The pain has returned.

I pushed it off and walked towards the back door and let Jeff out while I got ready.

I changed into a pair of black leggings and a white plain jumper, I threw my hair into a messy bun and got my converse on.

Jeff, come here girl. I shout but not to loudly cause it's really early and people are still sleeping.

She came running in through my legs and ran to her water cowl.

I quickly grab my backpack and took another pain killer and made my way towards the door.

Goodbye my chicken, be good for mama. I say to my baby before leaving.

I'm driving towards Danielle house which wasn't far from where I lived to it took roughly 5 ish minutes to get there before I parked my car and walked towards her door.

I would normally honk my horn but like I said before it's early and I don't want to disturb anyone around.

I knocked three time before I heard noises come towards the door.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now