Anxiety 🙃

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I was just sat in the living room of mine and Maya's apartment, Maya is at work and I don't have work till Sunday so I'm just by myself.

I originally had plans to go out but I woke up this morning to rain and grey clouds so I didn't even bother changing out of my clothes cause I knew I wouldn't be going anywhere.

I stayed in bed for about 25 minutes after I woke up and just send Maya a "good morning" message and letting her know I'm up, not like Maya minds how long I'm sleeping for but you know.

I look out the window and frown.

It just looks so sad outside like why is it raining, what is actually the reason for it.

I'm just praying there not gonna be thunder and lightning.

I was out in the living room with the news on, was I listening to anything they were saying?

No I wasn't, I just sat on my laptop going through e-mails.

I was reading about a charity event I've been offered to participate in when I jumped to the ringing of my phone.

Jesus, what the hell. I say to myself out loud when I look to see who it is.

Bambina🩷 is calling........

Ohhh. I think to myself.

Maya doesn't normally ring me so early into her shift but I am not complaining what do ever.

Hey Bella. I say cheerfully

Carina, you need to get to the station right now. She demanded

If there is anything Maya knows since we've been together is that I do not like being told what to do

Who do you think you're speaking to, you know I will not tolerate doing spoken to like that..........

I know I know, I'm sorry babe but you do need to come here, it'll be safer. She says more sweetly

Safer? What do you mean Maya? Am I in danger? Maya tell me what's going on. I say starting to get nervous

Baby, have you not been watching the news? She wondered

Well it's on.......
I say as I look up from my laptop screen and that's when I see the warning.

Bella? Tornado? What, why are we having a tornado? I say panicked

Babe, calm down...... I don't know why but just come to the station ok, you'll be much safer here, I promise. She says sweetly in a tone she only does when she's speaking with me.

Maya, I don't know if I can, what if it comes while I'm driving? Oh my god I don't want to die. I say as I get up

Babe, Carina your not gonna die, just get in your car and come straight here I'll wait outside for you just put something warm on cause it's really cold out and I don't want my sweet wife getting sick now, as much as I love how clingy you get I don't want you to be suffering, 6 layers of clothing should be enough. She joked

Maya, 6 layers. I laughed

I'm only joking, wear something warm please, only for when you're outside you can change into my station clothes then when you get here. She says

Is the apartment not safe then? Will I get hurt if I stay here? I wondered

Well no I hope not anyways, I know you'll most likely be scared if you were alone in a middle of a tornado and I would like to know your safe here with me. She says

Ok, I'll be ok to drive now? I say trying to reassure myself

Yeah baby, you're only around the corner, just leave now before it gets worse.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now