Protest 🚩

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I'm just sat in my office waiting to hear something of Carina or Bailey or just anyone in general who's at the hospital cause I feel like I'm going crazy.

How can I not my wife is in the middle of a lockdown because of a protest, a freaking protest.

I heard something about a brick being thrown through a window and that is not helping my anxiety right now, but I did hear of Carina after I found that out so I know she's ok, physically anyways.

Carina has been struggling lately, with work with Baileys clinic and the black scrubs and just life in general and her mental state, she just hasn't been her usual bubbly self and that's understandable with everything going on.

Anyways I'm just finishing up on the paper work from the last call we all had to go out on, I mean besides Vic because she's on desk duty's this shift.

And just like that the klaxon goes off just as I'm about to finish up, that's just gonna have to wait till later I say to myself.

Have fun. Vic yells as she watches the rest of us running towards the barn.
I hate being on desk duty's, I actually hate it.
It's just so boring like what do you expect me to do by myself if there's no calls coming in.

Times like this is when I pray for a walk in, I know it seems bad but obviously I don't want a bad walk in I just want something to do with my time while everyone else is out.

But I am sat at the front entrance just waiting and waiting.
What the fuck I think to myself.

What just happened?

We was in a lockdown, yeah I've heard of story from my colleagues like with the shooter and how they had to go into lockdown but I never thought it would happen to me, did I fuck think it would happen to me.

Of course I've made up story of if that moment did happen but I never thought it would actually happen, that was not what I imagined as-well.

As soon as the lockdown was picked up I got my stuff and left, I couldn't stay there any longer I felt like I was going to implode if I stayed.

So I left I got in my car and just started to drive.

I didn't have a destination but maybe I did because now I'm sat in my car in-front of the station.

I can't.

Maya will be mad.

She's at work of course she will be mad.

I should just go home.

She's probably busy anyways.

All these thoughts kept coming into my mind from left and right but did that stop me, no it didn't because now I'm walking up to the station hoping and praying that maya will be available.

Yeah I am her wife and I know she will make the time for me because that's just the type of person she is but I can't take up her work time if she is busy.

If she is I'll just go home and wait for her there.

I slowly do my walk of shame up to the front door and go in but I have to knock to be let in cause there's a second door that has to be opened from the inside.

Knock knock

Oh it's Vic, must be on beak duty's today.

Hey DeLuca? How was work? She says as she opened the door and walks back to the desk she was just sat at.

It- it was hectic to say the least. I say.

Is everything ok, I heard about the lockdown, that's some scary shit that. She says and I just nod not really having any courage to form any words.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now