Clowns 🤡

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Ive just walked into the beanery and everyone is talking amongst each other, I only came in to get a drink but that soon changed when I got dragged into a conversation.

Hey captain, what's yours? Travis asked

What's my what? I say confused

Biggest fear, what's your biggest fear? He added on.

Oh....... I'm not sure to be honest, I'm not that scared of most things. I say honestly

Ok, how about Carina? What's her biggest fear? Jack asked

How did Carina come into this conversation? I say with a nervous laugh.

They all seem to be obsessed with my girlfriend.

Only wondering? So? He says

Well if you really must know, she's not the biggest fan of clowns, spiders as-well but mainly clowns. I say and I part of me feels like I shouldn't have said that.

Don't be thinking any ideas now Gibson, any of you really. I say as I make my way back to my office but that just left me clueless from the looks they all shared together.
I've just gotten of a 24 hour shift and I'm currently running of 3 hours of sleep because the hospital was busy and packed because there was a four way collision with two pregnant mama's on bored.

That's all dealt with now and I'm just coming to the station to see Maya before I go home and get some sleep cause I won't see her till tomorrow otherwise.

I walk in side and the front entrance is completely empty, not a single person in sight.

I just stood there for a second deciding what my next move was going to be, should I go to her office or up to the beanery, I'm not sure.

Bet my decision was made when I was startled out of my mind by my name being yelled across the room.

DeLuca. Yelled by Victoria.

Hey Victoria. I say

Jeez, you look rough as fuck girl. She laughs.

Wow, thanks, way to flatter a girls heart. I say sarcastically.

I'm only joking....... You do look rough though.
Just gotten of shift is it? She wonders

Yeah, a 24. I say as I let out a yawn.

Have you seen my girlfriend? I asked and she doesn't say anything and just pointed to her office.

Thank you. I say and go over and knock.

Come in. I could just about make out.

Hey baby. Maya says as I open the office door.

Hi. I say as I closed the door and made my way closer to her.

You ok? Have you slept at all? She says and I can tell she's a bit concerned but that's life.

Like 3 hours. I say


I know I know, the hospital was busy last night so I didn't really get a chance, I'm sorry. I say as I get comfortable on her lap.

No it's ok, don't apologise.
We've all been there, you should go home and get some sleep. She whispers as she places a kiss on my forehead.

I wanted to come see you, I won't see you till tomorrow otherwise and I couldn't wait that long.  I say with a pout.

Oh has someone missed me? She says playfully but I just haven't got the energy and just nodded my head as I tucked it in her neck.

I've missed you too darling. She says softly.

MARINA / STEFANIELLE ONESHOTWhere stories live. Discover now